
近期編輯: neil11008 ...看更多

    1. 採集者Forager
    2. 漁夫Fisherman
    3. 獵人Hunter
    4. 農夫Farmer
    5. 伐木工Lumberjack
    6. 神秘學者Mystic
    7. 採石工Quarryman
    8. 裁縫Tailor
    9. 游牧民Nomad
    10. 礦工Miner
    11. 遊俠Strider
    12. 洞穴隱士Cave Hermit
    13. 園丁Gardener
    14. 鐵匠Blacksmith
    15. 陶匠Potter
    16. 寶石獵人Gem Hunter
    17. 採蚌人Pearl Diver
    18. 廚師Cook
    19. 學者Scholar
    20. 牧人Herder
    21. 流浪賢者Wandering Sage


Beneath far-stretched canopies all around you sing the abundance of the Hearth wilding, and, as if in a dream, you have sensed its vastness in life and form,
yearning now also to learn its names, and ways. It is said that the Old Hearthlings drank the light of the sun,
and that it was in reflection thereof that the gods made root and leaf to cover that first antiquity which saw them set loose.
There is much wisdom in the sagas, and a scent on the wind invites you to remember more of the things which grow and crawl.
Wandering the Forager's Path promises...

  • 探索Exploration +10
  • 感知Perception +10
  • 追逐小動物時移動速度增加
  • 採集品品質增加 (+20%)
  • 採集時有機會採集到額外的採集品


Far beneath the waves gleams a treasure of wisdom, and on the breath of a fish you have heard told the riddles of life and death.
Since first your feet touched water, a siren's song has called you deeper, and deeper,
and farther down, down into the yonders blue, to see the spired groves of kelp, where Roach and Pike play hide and seek,
and the crashing waters where Salmon dance. A ripple on calm waters calls you to learn the names of the things which swim and dive.
Towing the Fisherman's Line promises...

  • 減少釣魚竿零件損壞機率
  • 能釣到更好的落水物品
  • 增加釣到稀有魚種的機會
  • 增加游泳速度
  • 增加釣魚品質 (+10%)


In depths of woodland realms unchartered, the tracks too easily criss-cross back and over themselves, losing all meaning under shades of bush and fern,
and only those who studiously read those glyphs of hoof and paw, may then follow them down wilder, freer, paths.
For some time you have yearned to speak this strange and peculiar tongue of beast, blood and soil,
and a beying echo from far away in the greenery, promises to teach you.
Tracking the Hunter's Trail promises...

  • 弓術Marksmanship +20
  • 遠程武器對動物造成更高傷害
  • 追蹤動物時候增加移動速度
  • 屠宰獵物時增加
  • 射箭對獵物掉Q影響減少


In golden rows, ever chasing a blue horizon, lie planted the myths of a people tied intimately to the soil they till, and to the grain they mill.
Of such things you desire to learn more, for you are becoming a Farmer, and within you now shoots leaves of wisdom, of the seasons, and of the plants, and of all the things which grow.
In the creaking of sprouting roots you have heard stories of how the world seed was once planted by the old gods, long before a moon was yet hung over the Hearth to light it.
In the pod of a pea, you have seen strange and ancient runes, telling of the world's coming end and ruin. A wind that shakes the barley calls you onward to gather further insight.
Plowing the Farmer's Furrow promises...

  • 耕作Farming +15
  • 牲口擠奶品質上升. (+20%)
  • 所種植的作物生長速度加快. (+10%)
  • 作物產量增加. (+20%)
  • 耕作Farming +50


For some time you have wandered among the great spires of woodlands free and wild, with a splinter in your soul tracing the contour of your ever increasing desire to prune and guide them to more proper forms.
In the splitting of logs you have heard the cries of new shapes dreaming to be hewn free, and in the gleam of axe and fire you have seen a wholesome light with which to burn and chase away the shadows of an untended wilderness.
You have heard told that, when the World-Tree first sprouted, the Old Gods placed the first Lumberjack on guard over it for all nights and days, until the end of time, when he alone will know the proper time to fell the great tree, and sunder the Hearth.
To ply the Lumberjack's trade is to learn the shapes and courses of the various woods and trees, their marblings and colorations, kinds and seasons, and how to best put those to use.
Cutting the Lumberjack's Timberline promises...

  • 學識Lore +15
  • 增加砍樹與劈塊的速度
  • 木工Carpentry +20.
  • 增加一截樹幹木塊與木板的產量. (+30%)
  • 力量Strength +25


You have stared for long longingly into depths of ocean and forest, and much contemplation of the things high and low have led you down darker, more brooding paths, and your thoughts have for some time carried an otherworldly air.
You walk now always in a shadowland, somewhere in between dream and awakening, where the currents of Hearth magick run close to the ground, and with your third eye always open to the vast, universal distances around you.
The Mystic seeks wisdom and understanding, and in thought and deed affinity, and communion, with the woodland spirits, and with all the presences and potentialities of nature.
The sagas speak of three Norns, old and wise, who weave the fate silk of all hearthlings, and who know where each and every thread runs out.
Dreaming the Mystic's Dream promises...

  • 意志Will +15
  • 學識Lore +20
  • +5% 學習速度
  • +10% 所得經驗值
  • 爐火魔法的經驗消耗減少 10%


You have sat with the mountain until only the mountain remained, and for some time fissure has grown down the straight and narrow of your worldview, in challenge, threatening to rend it in twain with the terrible blow of a new experience suffered.
Your dreams have grown rigid, and angular, and you see the world around you as hewn in stone, and seek now to remake it again in that image.
The Quarryman knows the taste and turns of the mineral world, and the names of all the stones and rocks which weave it.
From the depths of the mountain an ominous note calls you to think and act like quartz, like granite, and like the blackest, most cunning, obsidian.
Some say that the roots of the mountain are older than even the Old Gods themselves. Cracking the Quarryman's Crevice promises...

  • 學識Lore +15
  • 石工Masonry +20
  • 增加採礦能力與鑿石速度
  • 力量Strength +20
  • 增加採礦所挖出的石頭品質(+10%)


The thin of your thread has passed through the eye of a needle, and remade you entirely in new whole cloth.
For some time your thoughts have wandered to softer places, and stranger fabrics, and increasingly you have felt the call of needlework, and strange artifice.
The Tailor recalls all the fibers and threads of the Hearth, and weaves them continously into the tapestry of his life, in service to both himself, others, and ever the quest for the perfect garment, for the perfect occasion.
For Peasant and King alike, only the Tailor stands between him, the cold of the seasons, and the harshness of unforgiving elements, and such responsibilities call forth only the best in those whose task it is to wear that spiritual finery.
Treading the Tailor's Thread promises...

  • 裁縫Sewing +15
  • 減少鑲嵌的失敗率 5%.
  • 回收裝備有雙倍機率收回鑲嵌物
  • 裁縫Sewing +25
  • 每次裝備第一個鑲嵌物必定成功


You have grown weary of familiar surroundings, or perhaps your feet never stopped to rest? Either way you find yourself now a wanderer in tought and the vastness of open space, ever seeking out new and farther places, and always striving toward the next horizon.
Seven times you have walked the Hearth over wide, and three over tall, and many are the strange and wondrous sights you have seen in it, yet there remains always an immensity of the unseen, beckoning you onward to take that next step.
The Nomad calls no place home, yet is also always at home in his solitudes of nature and travel, accompanied perhaps only by wild horses and beasts of burden.
It is said that when the Old Gods were young, they too walked distances beyond reckoning. Embarking on the Nomad's Journey promises...

  • 探索Exploration +15
  • 生存Survival +25
  • 背包增加一直列
  • 騎馬時馬力減少變慢
  • 背包增加一橫排


Your soul has moved forever deep into the eternal night -- lit only by flashes of roaring, red fire -- of the mine, and through your veins courses a blood stained by heavy metal.
Day and night have begun losing their meanings to you, and your senses have grown acutely tuned to a life subterranean.
You live every moment to go deeper and further down, down toward deep and deeper veins, where the roots of the mountain claw their way into the Underworld, and where the caverns echo with trollish laughter.
With every snapping of the tendons, and every strain of muscles aching, you drive your pick through the eternal cavern, ripping the treasures of the deep to that surface far above which you so seldom see, and hoping to strike for the Mother Lode.
The mountain whispers to you of a time before the Old Gods. Descending the Miner's Shaft promises...

  • 力量Strength +15 & 石工Masonry +15
  • 增加挖出空洞的機率
  • 挖出的礦冶煉速度加快 (+25%)
  • 一定機率直接將正在挖的牆面直接挖完
  • 增加挖出礦石的品質 (+10%)


You feel the vibrance of the seasons, and under the soles of your feet you can sense the tremor of a single leaf falling, or of your quarry, quaking in the undergrowth at your passing. You have long wandered the Woodland Hearth, and your trade has grown to become that of a frontiersman in it, making a living in forestry, fishing, and hunting, and thus you have become a part of the wilds -- and they of you -- to the point that you now move nigh effortlessly in them, over root and crag, flowing almost like a river. They say that the first Strider was the Moon itself, racing the Sun across the firmament. Taking the Strider's Stride promises...

  • +50% 游泳能力Swimming.
  • 屠宰有機會拿到額外的毛皮
  • 獵物品質增加. (+10%)
  • 掏挖巢穴不會因為被攻擊而中斷
  • +15% 遠程武器傷害

洞穴隱士Cave Hermit

The surface of the Hearth has grown but a distant memory, and the waves of history may wash whichever ways they please, far above in that raging, tumultous world of light and day. Your world has become another, calmer, darker, deeper, and more ancient one, of peace and meditation, far below in the cool and pitch of the deepest caverns, where Hearthling sight fades, and other senses grow instead to terrible powers. You spend your nights eternal far down, down near the roots of the Mountain, in the musk of cavebulbs, with a touch of slime, and the haunting symphonies of a thousand bats screeching in awful symphony. Your ways are those of stone, and of thought, and of communion, ultimately, with the dark of the cavernous Underworld. Staring into the Cave Hermit's Abyss promises...

  • 大幅增加挖出巨魔的機率
  • 可以直接食用史萊姆黏液跟白磨菇
  • 每往地底下一層樓可以增加1.5%學習速度
  • 每往地底下一層樓可以增加5%傷害
  • 巨魔不再主動攻擊你


Leaves tremble at your touch, as if by the first beams of radiant sunlight of spring, reflecting some of their own green back again unto you, and unto your fingers. Wherever you wander, seeds appear to sprout from under your feet, and the touch of your naked soles restores life to dying grass. The secrets of all the things which grow are known to you, and you trace the threads of life and death in the contours and growth lines of grass and leaves. Your dream, as a Gardener, is to prune and guide the exuberant abundance of wild life into the pleasant and considered archetypes of a well kept garden. The myths speak of how all the Hearth once poured forth from a single seed. Climbing the Gardener's Stalk promises...

  • 可以栽培血尾草 Blood Sterns, 耕作Farming +5
  • 可以栽培螢光果 Cavebulbs, 耕作Farming +5
  • 花盆需要的土與水減半
  • 可以栽培藍色妖姬 Chiming Bluebells, 耕作Farming +10
  • 雙倍花盆採收量


Metal chimes in pure notes at the thunder of your hammer, and your muscles have grown to terrible dimensions enough to bend steel. Your life is lived and regulated by the steady, pulsating rhythm of pounding hammers, and heaving bellows, drawing the heavy sighs of hot, soot-filled, air, rushing again away to feed ever hungry, ever burning, furnaces, mirrored in reflective pools of molten metal. You know the stuff which makes up all the Hearth -- earth and wood -- and how to slake their thirsts for metallic forms in the glowing fury of white-hot flames. The Firmament of the Hearth was pounded thin as a flake, and hung high over the Hearth, by the Creator, from a single silver nugget. Pounding the Blacksmith's Anvil promises...

  • 力量Strength +15 & 鍛造Smithing +15
  • 添加冶煉爐與鍛造爐燃料時燃料品質上升 (+10%)
  • 鍛鐵爆擊提升品質機會大幅上升
  • 使用鐵鎚/鐵砧製造時增加品質 (+5%)
  • 使用鐵鎚/鐵砧製造時機率雙倍產出


The dead matter of clay springs to life in your hands like in no others, coaxing secret forms to dance into existence from the perpetual void of the primordial before. In the roaring fire of kilns, and in the slow, revolving sound of your wheel, you have heard the calling of such forms, yearning to be made in full, and yours are the hands that shape them, and move the bellows that heave with life and fire. In the crack of a single shard, you can recall the errors of all hearthkin. The world ocean rests in an earthenware dish, fired in the sun by the Old Gods on the first day. Spinning the Potter's Wheel promises...

  • 石工Masonry +15
  • 挖球黏土品質上升. (+10%)
  • 挖紅黏土品質上升 (+25%)
  • 採集洞穴黏土或坑黏土有機會雙倍
  • 解鎖道具製作 "陶匠黏土 (Potter's Clay)".

寶石獵人Gem Hunter

From hidden rocks and deep streams rings out a call of pure notes, calling you to their sources to hew them free, the endless facets of a thousand gems gleaming in the endless dark. Your heart has for some time burned with secret passion for the nobler salts of the earth, and your hunt leaves no stone unturned, as every strike of your pick strikes sparks to reflect and play in the lustre and shine of pure jewels, and light up the darkness of the mine with splendid color. All the Hearth was once a perfect diamond, ground to rocks and dusts by Time itself. Tracing the Gem Hunter's Seam promises...

  • 石工Masonry +15
  • 更高機會挖到寶石
  • 更高機會挖出更大的寶石
  • 有機會挖出 梨型pear cut 寶石.
  • 小機率雙倍寶石產出

採蚌人Pearl Diver

There is a certain quiet, and profound stillness, that one can sense only in a mine, or near the bottom of a cool lake. You have plunged farther on down than most, driven always by the call of those rare, precious, lights, which illuminate the everdarks of the Hearth, but lately visions of especially rare baubles have begun ocurring to you -- gnawing at you, like grains of sand lodged in the iridescence of your mind -- and you have begun testing the waters to find the secret places of which the mussels whisper. The night sky was cut, by the Gods, from nacre grown in the river of time. Drawing the Pearl Diver's Breath promises...

  • 體值Constitution +10
  • 當溺水時傷害減半
  • 採蚌品質+50% (與採集者信條共 +80%)
  • 增加游泳速度.
  • 煮出珍珠的機會大幅增加


They say a watched pot never boils, and without you ever really noticing it, up until now, the pot of your mind unwatched has slowly stirred up into a hearthy broth of new ideas and impulses, threatening now in stormy boiling to blow the lid clean off entirely. You take no greater pleasure in life than from cooking; from combining the myriad ingredients of game and fowl and fish alike, into new creations, the one more dazzling and fantastical on the tongue than the next, and you have perhaps even begun developing a bit of a reputation for your work with knife and ladle. The blood of the first Hearthling was made from red clay, boiled in water, and seasoned with the breath of life, by the Old Gods. Stirring the Cook's Pot promises...

  • 製作料理的速度增加
  • 體質Constitution +15
  • 料理品質增加 (+10%)
  • 廚藝Cooking +30
  • 製作料理機會雙倍產出


Through ardent studies of worlds natural and hidden, you have grown into an accomplished knower of things seen and unseen, and yet your mind unsatiated reaches further still, into vast troves of wisdom yet unsounded. You have, lately, in love of knowledge, felt the beckon of a new calling, and wisdom becomes every day more and more an end in itself to you, apart from pratical application. You are a mentor to the young, a wise elder, or a recluse in exile among tomes and parchments, and only seldom one finds your fingers without a trace of ink, or the dust of old manuscripts. The old texts speak of a time before the Hearth was lit, when it burned only as a spark in the eyes of the old gods. From the first curiosity all knowledge took flame. Learning the Scholar's Wisdom promises...

  • 智力Intelligence +15, 學識Lore +15
  • 低機率學習不消耗學習品
  • 魔法 '沉思與冥想Contemplation & Meditation' 的消耗減半
  • 學習桌Study Desk 增加一直列一橫排
  • 解鎖道具製作 學習論文 Scholarly Accounts.


You have traveled far and wide, and your herds have grown plentiful in your footsteps. You have become a Herder, always working diligently for the health and bounty of your animals and herds, grazing upon the lush grasslands of the hearth. You spend your days on horseback, tending to the needs of your flocks, keeping beasts of prey away, and following the seasonal migrations in search of greener pastures. The sagas say that the Old Gods once drove a herd of cattle across the firmament, and that the stars sprung to light where their hooves trod. Undertaking the Herders's Trek promises...

  • 野生動物必定吃你的 四葉草 clover.
  • 被你烙印的動物飼料消耗減少20%
  • 騎馬馬力消耗減少
  • 被你烙印的動物懷孕周期縮短
  • 屠宰牲口的肉品質增加. (10%)

流浪賢者Wandering Sage

You have wandered the Hearth, deep in mystical contemplation on the signs and omens, and sought to commune with far flung Rowan trees, dark streams, and stands of Alder. Your learned wisdom exceeds most, and yet new depths of ignorance reveal themselves behind each new revelation of spirited nature. You can hear the spirits of things vast and faint whisper to you from the shadowy world beyond the veil of the Hearth, and they trace your footsteps wherever your wanderlust aching takes you. Meditation, and the journey as a goal in itself, are your lodestars. You have seen, in terrifying visions, how the Old Gods rode in chariots of Ash and Bronze, thundering over the ancient steppes in ages beyond reckoning, and your feet long always to trace those furrows. Embarking on the Wandering Sage's Pilgrimage promises...

  • 減少旅行疲勞 (-20%).
  • +5%經驗值(XP)取得
  • 減少徒步體力消耗
  • 經常從見到稀有資源取得經驗值(一個+250XP的獨立信條經驗事件,而非一般見到資源觸發的經驗)
  • 完成隨機任務將有機會得到一個額外提升當地品質的獎勵
  • 攻略選單
             畜牧 (Animal Husbandry)
             射箭 (Archery)
             烘焙 (Baking)
             基礎機械(Basic Mechanics)
             造船(Boat Building)
             深度工藝(Deep Artifice)
             德魯伊儀式(Druidic Rite)
             急救(First Aid)
             林業 (Forestry)
             園藝 (Gardening)
             爐火魔法 (Hearth Magic)
             狩獵 (Hunting)
             珠寶 (Jewelry)
             鎖與鑰 (Locks and Bolts)
             金屬加工 (Metal Working)
             冶金 (Metallurgy)
             採礦 (Mining)
             口耳相傳 (Oral Tradition)
             植物學 (Plant Lore)
             陶藝 (Pottery)
             原始工具(Primitive Tools)
             編繩(Rope Twining)
             香腸製作(Sausage Making)
             石工(Stone Working)
             野心(The Will to Power)
             野外求生(Wilderness Survival)
             私人領域 (Yeomanry)
             破壞 (Vandalism)
             攻城技術 (Siegecraft)
             偷竊 (Theft)


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