起始區域:DreadlandNPC:Baldric Slezaf
Loc:+775 +9665
對話順序:1.Hail, Baldric Slezaf
2.What symphony?
3.What snags?
4.What pages?
5.Who is Forpar Fizfla?
6.What music?
7.How will you repay me?'
1.First Half of Page 24
2.Second Half of Page 24
3.Page 25
4.Lute made by Forpar Fizfla
Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top
區域: West Karana
NPC: Konia Swiftfoot
Loc: -500, -2400.
對話:1.Hail, Konia Swiftfoot
2.I would like to participate.
3.I am ready
玩家會拿到 Torch of Misty 之後跑去Misty Thicket
區域: Misty Thicket
NPC:Fajio Knejo
Loc :靠近 wall guards附近.(-120, -54 )玩家會拿到 Torch of Ro之後前往South Desert of Ro.
區域: South Desert of Ro
NPC:Andad Filla in South Ro
Loc :接近 innothule(-3032, 1216) 拿到Torch of Rathe再前往Lake Rathetear.
區域: Lake Rathetear
NPC:Misty Tekchita
Loc : 在靠近(2419, 2583)的附近.結束之後回去找 Konia Swiftfoot
就會得到 Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top
Maestro's Symphony Page 24 bottom.
任務目的:Konia Swiftfoot 需要 Mahlin's Mystical Bongos
才會給你Maestro's Symphony Page 24 bottom.悲傷的小女孩任務
區域:Estate of Unrest
Loc:在gnomish spelunker旁,(679,-280)
對話:1.Hail, Serra
3.What doll?
4.What note?
得到a Ripped Qeynos Bards Guild Flyer.
區域:Qeynos Bards Guild
NPC: Belious Naliedin
Loc: 公會裡
區域:South Karana
NPC:Baenar Swiftsong
Loc: -15, +100
對話:what doll?,得到一張紙(發票)前往 Solusek A
區域:Solusek A
NPC:Marfen Birkdirple(a gnome)
將發票給NPC將得到一個娃娃(doll)前往Estate of Unrest
區域:Estate of Unrest
Loc:在gnomish spelunker旁,(679,-280)
將Mechanical Doll交給Serra,得到a Note for Baenar.
區域:South Karana
NPC:Baenar Swiftsong
Loc: -15, +100
將a Note for Baenar交給Baenar,得到a Note to Maligar
區域: West Karana
Loc: (1179, -10878) 30 mins repop
將a Note to Maligar交給Maligar,之後殺掉Maligar's Enraged Doppleganger.
得到Miligrs head.回去找Baenar Swiftsong
區域:South Karana
NPC:Baenar Swiftsong
Loc: -15, +100
將Miligrs head 給Baenar,得到Mahlins mystical bongos
區域: West Karana
NPC: Konia Swiftfoot
Loc: -500, -2400.
將Mahlins mystical bongos交給Konia Swiftfoot,得到Maestro's Symphony Page 24 bottom.
Maestro's Symphony Page 25
區域: South Karana
NPC: Kelkim Menkia
Loc: (-236, -3662)
對話:1.Hail, Kelkim Menkia
2.Why are they so rare?
3.What wurms and drakes?
1.Blackwing 在Rathe Mountains得到Huge onyx drake guts
2.Nezekezena或Phurzicon 位於Burning Woods得到Red wurm guts
3.Eldrig the Old位於Skyfire得到Chromodrac guts
可以換到Maestro's Symphony Page 25
Mystical Lute
Mystical Lute Head
區域: Butcherblock
NPC:Vedico Windwhisper
Loc:碼頭(1010, 3010)
得到任務前往Ocean of Tears 的 Seafury Cyclops island
殺掉 Quag Maeslstrom,會得到 Alluring Horns 拿回BBM換a Note to Forpar Fizfla
區域: Steamfont Mountains
NPC: Forpar Fizfla
紙條交給Forpar, 得到 a Forpar's Note
得知Forpar 需要三樣東西
殺掉Kedge Keep 的 Phinigel Autropos's spine,掉落 Kedge Backbone
殺掉Plane of Fear 的 an Amygdalan Warrior,掉落 Amygdalan Tendril
殺掉 Karnor's Castle 的a drolvarg Warlord ,掉落Petrified werewolf skull
將紙條與三樣道具交給 Forpar, 得到 Mystical Lute Head
Mystical Lute
Mystical Lute Body
區域: Steamfont Mountains
NPC: Forpar Fizfla
對話:What next pieces?
1.殺紅龍 (Nagafen, Ragefire,Talendor,Nortlav Scalekeeper),掉落 red dragon scale
2.殺白龍 (Vox, Gorenaire),掉落white dragon scale
3.鐵匠鍛造的Metal Bits(plural),
三樣材料給 Forpar 得到Mystical Lute Body
Mystical Lute
Strings for the Lute
區域: Old Sebilis
NPC: An Undead Bard
Loc:-2085, -705.
對話:1.Hail, An Undead Bard
2.I am a minstrel
3.Who is Trakanon?
4.What instrument?
5.What Magical Lute?
6.I am on a similar quest.
7.I will kill it for you.
8.What last request?
將Mystical Lute Body. 給他琴身之後又會退還給你.Undead Bard 會重生
打死他之後會POP the triggered version of Trakanon 一樣殺掉後會掉the Undead Dragongut Strings
*如果真的Trakanon POP會殺掉An Undead Bard,要多注意
區域: Steamfont Mountains
NPC: Forpar Fizfla
將1. Mystical Lute Head,
2. Mystical Lute Body
3. Undead Dragongut String 依序交給 Forpar,
換到 Mystical Lute
區域:DreadlandNPC:Baldric Slezaf
Loc:+775 +9665
將道具依序交給Baldric Slezaf
1.First Half of Page 24
2.Second Half of Page 24
3.Page 25
4.Mystical Lute
得到Singing Short Sword.歌詠之劍