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Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. 到90級為止每10級挑一樣 | ||
Name 特色名稱 | Effect 效果 | Duration 有效時間 |
Attribute 屬性 | ||
Agile Movements | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI 以等級為準照比例地增加Agility |
Passive 被動效果 |
Arasai Savvy | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT 以等級為準照比例地增加Intelligence |
Passive 被動效果 |
Combat 戰鬥相關效果 | ||
Tiny Stings | Increases Piercing and Ranged by 5.0. 增加刺擊及遠程武器的熟練程度5 |
Passive 被動效果 |
Swift Swings | Increases Double Attack by 2.0%. 增加普攻時雙重攻擊的機率2% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Rooted Mind | Increases Disruption and Subjugation by 5.0. 增加使用魔法熟練度, Disruption跟Subjugation系的法術. (註: Disruption 通常是用在直接造成傷害系的法術, Subjugation 通常是用在綁住敵人或控制敵人行動用.) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Quick Banishing | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2.0% 加快敵意性法術的施法速度2% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Noncombat 非關戰鬥的效果 | ||
Stealthy Acrobatics | Increases stealth/invisible movement speed by 15.0%. 增加 隱形/躡蹤 時的移動速度15% (註: 除了特定種族/職業以外一般在隱形時的移動速度會降到0%) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Pixie Dust | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 增加毒藥的可使用次數25% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Strong Additives | Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 延長藥水的有效期限15% (註: 這個連送的加經驗值藥水都有效.) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Gathering Mana | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度. |
Passive 被動效果 |
Pools 血條/魔力條 | ||
Coated Wings | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and health pool by 2.0%. 增加你的血條2%以及魔力條1% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Magic of the Arasai | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條3% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Resist 抗性 | ||
Toxic Protection | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例增加毒的抗性 |
Passive 被動效果 |
Elemental Fortitude | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例增加元素的抗性 |
Passive 被動效果 |
Tradeskill 交易技能相關 | ||
Ingenious Trades | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 增加成功率2% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Crafty Concentrations | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 增加製造東西時的進度2% |
Passive 被動效果 |
Neriak Precision | Increases Artificing by 5.0 提高你的珠寶細工 Artificing 技能 5 (註: Artificing 是指製作珠寶/斥候系技能/魔法物品的能力) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Transmography | Increases Transmutation by 5.0. 提高 Transmutation 技能 5 (註: Transmutation是指把財寶級以上裝備分解成做成Adorsment 鑲嵌用白寶石的原料, transmu 等級越高那麼能夠分解越高等級的裝備.) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Intricate Designs | Reduces power cost of all Woodworker reaction arts by 10%. 降低在製造 woodworker 木工相關物品時所消耗的魔力值10%. |
Passive 被動效果 |
Innate Abilities 天生能力 | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 使用後會有超音波視覺效果, 給予單一色調但是高對比的畫面. (註:這種效果在某種特定的地城或黑夜時有助於看出怪物在哪裡, 依種族而定有些是以紫色也有些是以黃色顯示) |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. 施放時間2秒, 有效期限兩小時 |
Featherfall | Reduces maximum falling speed. 降低從高處摔下來的速度. (註: 就是不會摔死, 不過這種特性在騎上座騎後會失效) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Wind Walker | Increases in-combat speed by 50%. 增加戰鬥中移動速度50% |
1.0 sec. casting, 5 min. recast, 36.0 sec duration 施放時間1秒, 有效期限36秒, 用過之後要再5分鐘才能再用一次. |
Glide | Increases jump distance. 增加跳遠的移動距離 (註. 這個有好有壞, 斥候在移位轉身背刺時有時會使用跳的直接跳往敵人身後, 此時如果有這效果反而會造成移動的時間太長, 敵人又轉過來面對你了. 可是在某些地方可以這樣滑翔遠一點的距離又很不錯. 還好這效果可以自行關掉) |
Passive 被動效果 |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Wisdom of the Ages | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高Wisdom的屬性值 |
Passive |
Hearty Constitution | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高Stamina的屬性值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Healing Touch | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 提高補血法術相關能力ministration 5 |
Passive |
Divine Casting | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加速增益型法術的施放速度2% (註: 所以這一項只會加快你補血/cure法術的施放速度, 其它效果是傷害敵人類的法術不會得到好處.) |
Passive |
Skilled Defender | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 提高躲避敵人普攻所用到的 parry/defense/deflection 的數值5 |
Passive |
Blocking Expertise | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 提高 Deflection 2 以及盾牌的protection值2%. |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Frosted Ales | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長食用的飲料滿足時間10% |
Passive |
Nomadic Healing | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的魔力條速度. |
Passive |
Soft Landings | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 降低從高處摔下時造成的傷害15%. |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 在沒有進入戰鬥時按一下這技能可以補2%的血條. |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. 施放時間2秒, 再等一秒後能再次使用. |
Pools | ||
Collective Thoughts | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條3% |
Passive |
Tribal Strength | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Devout Barrier | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準提高對秘法奧術 arcane 系魔法的抗性. |
Passive |
Tundra Ruggedness | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準提高物理抗性. |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Successful Creations | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 增加製造時的每回合物品耐久度1以及成功率1% |
Passive |
Durable Goods | Increases Durability per round by 2. 增加製造時的每回合物品耐久度2 |
Passive |
Brewmaster | Increases Artistry by 5.0. 增加Artistry能力5 (註: 就是廚藝) |
Passive |
Herbology | Increases Chemistry by 5.0. 增加Chemistry能力5 (註: 製造煉金術/化學相關, 用在製做藥水/解藥/戰士系技能書) |
Passive |
Halasian Artistry | Reduces power cost of Carpentry skills by 9%. 降低進行家具製造過程中的魔力消耗9%. |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Tundra Endurance | Increases speed by 5.0%. 提高移動速度5% |
Passive |
Impenetrable Will | Makes caster immune to Stun effects. 使用這招之後不會被stun. |
Instant, recast 5 min., duration 10.0 sec. 施放速度:立刻有效, 10秒有效期間, 使用過後要再5分鐘才能再度使用. |
Sprint into Battle | Reduces initial power cost of Sprint by 30%, increases base speed of Sprint by 10. 降低逃之夭夭時的魔力消耗30%並提高你的逃跑速度10. |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Presumed Brilliance | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例地增加Intelligence的數值. |
Passive |
Darkened Agility | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例地增加Agility的數值. |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Masterful Sorcery | Increases Disruption and Subjugation by 5.0. 提高 Disruption/Subjugation 熟練度5 |
Passive |
Dark Celerity | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2.0% 加快使用敵意性法術的施法速度2% |
Passive |
Ancestral Ire | Increases Double Attack by 2.0%. 提高普攻時雙重攻擊的機率2% |
Passive |
Sharp-witted | Increases Piercing and Ranged by 5.0. 提高刺擊/遠程武器的熟練度5 |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Willful Persistence | Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 提高藥水的有效期限15% |
Passive |
Ireful Will | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 增加脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度. |
Passive |
Master of the Shadows | Increases stealth/invisible movement speed by 15.0%. 提高躡蹤/隱型時的移動速度15% |
Passive |
Poison Expertise | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 增加毒藥的可使用次數25% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Hateful Mind | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條3% |
Passive |
Dubious Focus | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and health pool by 2.0%. 增加魔力條1%以及血條2% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Elemental Defiance | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 提高對元素系法術的抗性. |
Passive |
Toxic Intimacy | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Unyielding Determination | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 加快製造時的進度2% |
Passive |
Skillful Triumph | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製造時的成功機率2% |
Passive |
Poison Crafter | Increases Durability per round by 2 during Alchemy. 在使用Alchemy製做毒藥/藥水時每回合提高該物品的耐久性2 |
Passive |
Pursuit of the Arcane | Reduces power cost of Sage reaction arts by 10%. 在製做法書抄錄相關作業時降低魔力消耗10% |
Passive |
Dark Armament | Increases Metal Shaping by 5.0. 提高金屬成型能力5. (註: 指製做盔甲的工匠能力) |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 使用後能夠以高對比度產生類似超音波視覺, 有助於在黑暗中辨物. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. 有效期間2小時, 重施時間2秒 |
Malicious Velocity | Increases speed by 5.0%. 提高移動速度5% |
Passive |
Hover | Reduces maximum falling speed of caster. 從很高的地方跳下來不會摔死而是慢慢地飄下來. 同樣地在上了座騎後會失效, 在飄的時候被怪打中則會直接摔下來. |
2 sec. casting, 10.0 sec. recast, lasts until canceled. 施放速度2秒, 重施時間10秒, 施放後除非自行取消否則一直有效. |
Traverse Shadow | Teleports caster to an ally while out of combat. 在同一個zone你可以用這招直接把自己傳送到某隊友的所在位置. |
10.0 sec. casting, 12 hrs. recast 施放速度10秒, 使用過後要再12小時才能再使用一次. |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 80. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Stubborn, But Wise | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例地提高wisdom的數值. |
Passive |
Dwarven Fortitude | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例地提高stamina的數值. |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Brell's Focus | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 增加 Ministratin 能力5 |
Passive |
Aid of the Stouthearted | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快使用增益性法術時的施法速度2% |
Passive |
Defensive Might | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 提高parry/defense/deflection的熟練度5 |
Passive |
Stout Defense | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 提高deflection 2 以及盾牌的 protection 值2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Another Round! | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長飲食用的飲料滿足度時間10% |
Passive |
Quit Sittin' Around | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 脫離戰鬥後用每按一次這招可回血2% |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. |
Sturdy Bones | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 降低從高處摔下來的損傷15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Legendary Tenacity | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條3% |
Passive |
Short But Strong | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Magic? Pah! | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準提高對arcane系法術的抗性 |
Passive |
Didn't Even Feel It! | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準提高對物理的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Dwarven Craftsmanship | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 提高工匠製作時每回合的物品耐久度1以及成功率1% |
Passive |
Dwarven Durability | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製造物品時每回合提高物品耐久度2 |
Passive |
Master of the Tumpy Tonic | Increases Artistry by 5.0. 提高廚藝技能5 |
Passive |
Weapon Forger | Increases Weaponsmith's Durability per round by 2. 在製造武器時每回合提高物品耐久度2 |
Passive |
Teachings of Brell | Reduces power cost of Sage reaction arts by 10%. 從事賢者寫法書時的魔力消耗10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 給予高對比值但是單色調的類超音波視覺影像, 有助於在黑暗場景中視物. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Mining Expertise | Reduces Mining time by 1 second. 每次採礦時所花費的時間降低1秒 (註: 如果沒有物品或其它能力加持一般說來採一個礦要花費約3秒的時間, 矮人族卻只要花2秒就能挖一個礦) |
Passive |
Bristlebane's Work | Grants the skill Disarm Trap. 讓你開寶箱時不會中該寶箱的陷阱. |
Passive |
Charging into Battle | Increases out-of-combat run speed by 5.0%. 提高非戰鬥時的跑速5% |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Intellect of the Sage | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例地提高Intelegence的數值 |
Passive |
Pursuit of Knowledge | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例地提高Wisdom的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Mind Over Matter | Increases Ministration and Defense by 5.0. 增加 Ministration 跟 Defense 的熟練度5 |
Passive |
Mental Domination | Increases Subjugation and Disruption by 5.0. 增加 Subjugation 跟 Disruption 的熟練度5 |
Passive |
Theoretical Improvements | Increases spell damage and heal amount based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高傷害/補血法術的傷害量/補血量. |
Passive |
Casting Fury | Increases Casting Speed by 2.0%. 加快法術的施放速度2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Training Techniques | Increases Mount Speed by 5.0%. 提高坐在座騎上的跑速5% |
Passive |
Ascetic Discipline | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 20%. 提高飲食用的飲料滿足度時間20% |
Passive |
Optimum Dosage | Increases duration of potions by 20%. 延長藥水的有效時間20% |
Passive |
Meditative Contemplation | Increases Out-of-Combat Power Regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的魔力回復速度 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Enhanced Intellect | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條3% |
Passive |
Theorical Improvements | Increases In-Combat Power Regeneration based on level. 以等級為準照比例地增加戰鬥中的回魔量 |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Elemental Mastery | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高元素系法術抗性 |
Passive |
Magical Protection | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高對秘法奧術 Arcane 系法術的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Experimental Technique | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高成功率2% |
Passive |
Verified Hypotheses | Increases Durability per round by 2. 每回合提高物品耐久度2 |
Passive |
Scholarly Pursuit | Increases progress during Scribing by 2 per round. 從事賢者抄寫類的作業時每回合加快進度2 |
Passive |
Chemist | Increases Chemistry by 5.0. 提高鍊金術/化學能力5 |
Passive |
Hypothetical Experimentation | Reduces power cost of Tinkering reaction arts by 10%. 從事Tinkering時降低魔力消耗量10% (註: tinker 是使用一般採礦來的材料進行製造出一些特別用途的東西. Adorning 跟 tinkering 算是除了主工匠之外還能做的第二項工匠能力) |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Aura Sense | Shows a glow around magical beings. 使用這能力之後你會看到周圍的魔法生物身上會出現一圈藍色光圈, 很好辨認. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Falling Grace | Reduces maximum falling speed. 讓你從高處跳下來時會緩緩降落而不是直接摔死. |
Casting 2.0 sec, recast 10.0 sec., lasts until cancelled. 施放速度 2 秒, 重施時間10秒, 除非自行取消否則不會失效. |
Experimental Air Pocket | Enables water breathing. 水中呼吸術, 在水中不會耗光氧氣而窒息. |
Instant cast, lasts until cancelled. 施放速度: 立刻, 除非自行取消否則不會失效. |
Ulteran Scholar | Teleports caster to an ally while outside of combat. 非戰鬥狀態下可直接傳送到同一個zone的隊友所在位置 |
Casting 10.0 sec, 12 hrs. recast 施放時間10秒, 用過之後要再12小時才可再用一次. |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Agile Movements | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例增加Agility的數值. |
Passive |
Wisdom of the Old Oak | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例增加Wisdom的數值. |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Tiny Stings | Increases Ranged and Piercing by 5.0. 增加 遠程武器/刺擊武器的熟練值 5 |
Passive |
Swift Swings | Gain Double Attack of 2.0%. 提高雙重攻擊率 2% |
Passive |
Blessing Touch | Increases Ministration by 5.0 提高 Ministration 技能 5 |
Passive |
Quick Thinking | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快增益性法術的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Stealthy Acrobatics | Increases stealth/invisible speed by 15% 增加躡蹤/隱形時的移動速度 15% |
Passive |
Pixie Dust | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 提高毒藥的使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Blessing of the Meal | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 讓飲食用的飲料滿足度時間延長 25% |
Passive |
Gather Mana | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Magic of the Fae | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Coated Wings | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and Max Health by 2.0%. 增加魔力條 1% 以及 血條 2% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Toxic Protection | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Arcanic Fortitude | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對arcane系法術的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Pristine Work | Increases Durability per round by 2. 每回合增加物品的耐久性 2 |
Passive |
Crafty Concentrations | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 增加進度值 2% |
Passive |
Magical Teachings | Increases Scribing by 5.0. 提高抄寫法術書的能力 5 |
Passive |
Forest Knowledge | Increases Fletching by 5.0. 提高製箭/木工的能力 5 |
Passive |
Sapling Knowledge | Reduces power cost of all Tailoring reaction arts by 10%. 降低處理裁縫工匠對應手法時的魔力消耗 10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Shows a heat profile for all living creatures in view. 紅外線視力, 使用此能力觀察時只要是生物就會發出紅色光圈, 當然....對不死系怪物完全沒有用. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Featherfall | Reduces maximum falling speed. 緩降術是也, 從很高的地方摔下來也不會摔死的技能. |
Passive |
Wind Walker | Increases speed by 50%. 提高跑速 50% |
1.0 sec. cast, 5 min. recast, 36.0 sec. duration 使用之後在36秒內你的跑速會提高 50%, 想要快速衝過怪物群(拉火車)時有點用, 如果你沒有被定住的話. 重施時間 5分鐘. |
Glide | Increases jump distance. 滑翔是也, 跳起來後會比一般普通跳躍得到長一點滑翔距離. |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Marr's Insight | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Focused Determination | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高 Stamina 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Words of Honor | Increases Ministration by 5.0 提高 Ministration 補血相關技能 5 |
Passive |
Guidance of Marr | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 提高增益性法術的施放速度 2% |
Passive |
Memories of Guk | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 提高 Parry, Defense 以及 Deflection 等等躲避物理攻擊的參數 5 |
Passive |
Paladin's Shield Training | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 提高 Deflection 2 以及盾牌的 protection 值 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Delayed Thirst | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長藥水的有效時限 10% |
Passive |
Battle Ready | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度. |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 脫離戰鬥後每按一次這技能可以補自己的血 2% |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. 施放速度 2 秒, 重施時間 1 秒. 很雞肋的技能 |
Last Second Hop | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 降低從高處摔下來的受傷害量 15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Focus of the Valorous | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Spontaneous Metamorphosis | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Lightbringer's Protection | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對arcane系法術的抗性 |
Passive |
Slippery Hide | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 提高對物理攻擊的抗性. |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Noble Crafting | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 增加製造物品時每回合的物品耐久性 1 以及成功率 1% |
Passive |
Meticulous Craftsmanship | Increases Durability per round by 2. 提高每回合的物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Fervor of Marr | Lowers power cost of Armorer reaction arts by 10%. 降低處理盔甲製作時使用相對應的手段魔力消耗量 10% |
Passive |
Zealotry of Marr | Increases Weaponsmith's Durability per round by 2. 提高打造武器時每回合的物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Scribings of the Pious | Increases Scribing by 5.0. 提高法書抄寫能力 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Aquavision | Provides clear vision underwater, removing any blur. 讓你在水中的視野如同在陸上一樣清晰, 會移除掉水中模糊效果. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Gills | Allows breathing underwater. 讓你可以在水中呼吸. |
Passive |
Hydromotion | Allows walking and jumping underwater. 讓你在水中不受浮力影響, 可以像在陸上一樣跳躍/落下 |
Recast 20.0 sec., lasts until cancelled. |
Marr's Rejuvenation | Increases out-of-combat Health Regeneration by 4.0. 提高脫離戰鬥後的每 tick 回血量 4 (註. 每 tick 是指大約每 3 秒一次的計算單位) |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Grants Infravision 紅外線視力效果, 場景變暗但是活的生物身上會以黃光顯示. 當然, 如果是不死系的怪你用這招反而容易遭到埋伏. |
2 hours |
Frightening Speed | Increases speed of caster by 5.0% 增加跑速 5%k |
Passive |
Revel Inner Demon | Vampire illusion 秀出你真實的內在惡魔模樣, 讓你變得更醜... XD |
Until Cancelled |
Shadow Walk | Teleports caster to target 使用過後可以傳送到同一個zone的隊員身邊. |
12 hours recast 每12小時才能再使用一次 |
Attribute | ||
Eternal Learning | Increases INT of caster levelbased 以等級為準照比例地提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Vampiric Reflexes | Increases AGI of caster levelbased 以等級為準照比麗地提高 Agility 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Bloodletting | proc that deals dmg and heals caster levelbased 以等級為準照比例地在每次的攻擊中附帶吸血效果, 每分鐘約發動兩次. 等級一時這特效是給敵人3~5的毒傷然後自補2~3 |
Passive |
Demonic Focus | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2%. 加速使用敵意性法術時的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Supernatural Speed | Caster will Multi Attack on 2.0% of attacks 提高多重攻擊的機率 2% |
Passive |
Puncture Wounds | Increases Ranged and Piercing by 5.0 增加使用遠程武器/刺擊武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Graceful Landing | Decreases falling damage taken by caster by 15%. 降低你從高處摔下來所受的傷害15% |
Passive |
Eternal Youth | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度 |
Passive |
Cloak of Darkness | Increaes stealth or invisble movement speed of caster by 15.0% 提高躡縱/隱形時的移動速度 15% |
Passive |
Toxic Finesse | Increaes the trigger count of poisons by 25% 提高毒藥的使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Vampiric Will | Increases Max Power by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Bloodthirsty | Increases Max Power by 1.0%. Increases Max Health by 2.0%. 增加魔力條 1% 以及血條 2% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Undead Resilience | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高元素抗性 |
Passive |
Strong Blood | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Unflinching Focus | Increases the amount of progress by 2.0%. 提高製作時的進度條2% |
Passive |
Dark Perfectionist | Increases success chance by 2.0% 增加製作時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Alchemic Ingenuity | Increases the durability gain of the alchemist by 2 every round. 每回合增加從事化學/鍊金術事物的耐久度2 |
Passive |
Arcane Understanding | Reduces the power cost of all Sage reation arts by 10% 降低處理抄寫類應對突發事件的魔力消耗值10% |
Passive |
Graceful Assembly | Increases Artistry, Fletsching, Tailoring, Artificing, Chemistry, Scribing, Sculpting, Metal Shaping and Metalworking of caster by 5.0. 提高 廚藝/木工/裁縫/珠寶細工/化學/抄錄/家具製作/盔甲/武器製做的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Mechanical Vambraces | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例地提高Agility |
Passive |
Ak'Anon's Innovation | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例地提高Intelligence |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Mechanized Pierces | Increases Piercing and Ranged by 5.0. 提高使用刺擊/遠程武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Swift Swings | Increases Double Attack by 2.0%. 增加雙重攻擊的機率 2% |
Passive |
Spiked Shoes | Increases Disruption and Subjugation by 5.0. 提高 Disruption 跟 Subjugation 系的法術熟練度5 |
Passive |
Hasty Decisions | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2.0% 加快敵意性法術的施放速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Cloaking Device | Increases stealth/invisible movement speed by 15.0%. 增加在躡蹤/隱形時的移動速度 15% |
Passive |
Automated Poison Dispenser | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 提高毒藥的可使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Strong Additives | Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 延長藥水的效果有效時間 15% |
Passive |
Mental Breach | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Clockwork Armor | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and health pool by 2.0%. 增加魔力條 1% 以及血條 2% |
Passive |
Flash of Insight | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Toxic Protection | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Protective Eyewear | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例地提高對元素的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Practiced Tinkering | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製作時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Tinkered Focus | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 提高製作時的進度2% |
Passive |
Forge Invention | Reduces power cost of Weaponsmith reaction arts by 10%. 降低製作武器時處理突發狀況時的魔力消耗量 10% |
Passive |
Chemical Calculations | Increases Durability per round by 2 during Alchemy. 製作化學相關物品時每回合提高耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Gnomish Ingenuity | Increases Sculpting by 5.0. 增加家具類製造技能熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 給你單一色調但是高對比值的視覺, 有助於在黑暗中視物 |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Clockwork Expertise | Reduces power cost of Tinkering skills by 25% and increases Tinkering by 10.0. 降低處理tinker相關製造時的魔力消耗 25%, 同時增加 Tinkering 的熟練度 10 |
Passive |
Tinkered Field Repair | Repairs caster's equipment and gives them a repair robot illusion. 把自己變身成修理機器人然後修理自己的裝備 |
10.0 sec. casting, 12 hrs. recast. 每 12 小時才能用一次 |
Tinkered Lockpicks | Grants the skill Disarm Trap. 就算gnome不是當rogue職業也能夠解除寶箱的陷阱 |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Quick Thinking | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例增加 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Agile Might | Grants a level-dependent increase to STR. 以等級為準照比例增加 Strength 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Dodging Blows | Increases Disruption and Defense by 5.0. 提高 Disruption 跟 Defense 的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Proficient Swipe | Increases Crushing and Slashing by 5.0. | Passive |
Critical Deflection | Increases all Crit Chances by 1.0% and Deflection and Shield by 1.0. 提高爆擊機率 1% 以及 Deflection 技能熟練度跟盾牌的 protection 值1% |
Passive |
Nimble Striking | Increases Casting Speed and Double Attack by 1.0% 提高施法速度跟雙重攻擊率 1% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Only the Finest Ingredients | Increases food duration by 15% 讓食物的滿足度時間延長 15% |
Passive |
Quick Recovery | Increases out-of-combat Health Regeneration by a level-dependent amount. 提高脫離戰鬥後的血條回復速度 |
Passive |
Quick Getaway | Reduces initial power cost of Sprint by 33%, increases sprinting speed by 10. 降低逃之夭夭的初始魔力消耗量33%並加快逃跑速度 10 |
Passive |
Forest Navigation | Increases out-of-combat run speed by 5.0%. 增加戰鬥外的跑速 5% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Inner Focus | Increases your mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Rugged Fortitude | Increases Max Health by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Elemental Durability | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對元素的抗性 |
Passive |
Robust Might | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Attention to Details | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製造成功率 2% |
Passive |
Dexterous Creations | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 增加製造時每回合的進度值 2% |
Passive |
Ayr'Dal Adornment | Increases Artificing by 5.0. 增加珠寶細工的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Gift of the Faydark | Increases Durability per round by 2 when Woodworking. 從事木工作業時每回合增加物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Intricate Creations | Increases Sculpting by 5.0. 增加家具製造技能熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Shows a heat profile for all living creatures in view. 紅外線視覺, 可以看到活物身上冒出光, 其它無生物會變暗. 對, 所以你會看不出不死怪有沒在靠近你. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Elven Heritage | Gives the half elf reduced casting time by 1 sec. while gathering or foresting. 讓半精靈在採集跟伐木時花費的時間降低一秒. |
Passive |
Tracking | Tracks a selected target, causing a trail to appear that leads to their location. 天生具有追蹤的能力, 使用後會出現一個視窗, 當你輸入要找的人/怪物的名字後如果這東西在附近你就會看到一條光線出現, 可引導你去找到它. |
2 sec. casting |
Sustained Sustenance | Increases the duration of drinks by 16.67%. 提高飲食用的飲料滿足度時間 16.57% |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
The Might of Bristlebane | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例提高 Agility 的數值. |
Passive |
Wisdom of Rivervale | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例題高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Might of the Leatherfoot | Increases Ranged and Piercing by 5.0. 提高遠程武器/刺擊武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Marshal's Skill | Gain Double Attack of 2.0%. 增加雙重攻擊的機率 2% |
Passive |
Hendi's Fortitude | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 提高 Ministration 的魔法技能熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Bravefoot Tenacity | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快使用增益性法術的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Under Cover of the Vale | Increases stealth/invisible speed by 15% 提高躡蹤/隱形時的速度 15% |
Passive |
Poison Expertise | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 增加毒藥的可使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Tasty Brew | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 提高食用飲料的滿足度時間 10% |
Passive |
Nap Time | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 增加脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度. |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Jumjum Regimen | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and Max Health by 2.0%. 提高魔力條 1% 以及血條 2% |
Passive |
Midday Snack | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 提高魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Remedial Will | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Rivervale's Protection | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對 arcane/秘法奧術 的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Twiddy's Artistry | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製作時提高每回合的物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Twiddy's Insight | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 製作時提高進度值 2% |
Passive |
Pants Patcher | Lowers power cost of Tailoring reaction arts by 10%. 從事裁縫對應突發事件時所花費的魔力消耗值降10% |
Passive |
Niami's Tutelage | Increases success chance for Provisioning by 5%. 增加煮食時的成功率 5% |
Passive |
Gemcrafting Excellence | Increases Artificing by 5.0. 提高珠寶細工的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Shows a heat profile for all living creatures in view. 紅外線視力, 活物身上會發光其它無生物會變暗. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
A Halfling's Feast | Improves duration of food by 25%. 提高食物的滿足度時間 25% |
Passive |
Pick Pocket | Attempt to steal a small amount of coin from a humanoid target. 可以對人形怪身上偷取少量的金錢 |
1.0 sec., 3.0 meters, recast 5 min. 每 5 分鐘才能用一次 |
Tracking | Tracks a selected target, causing a trail to appear that leads to their location. 追蹤能力. 使用後會有一個視窗出現可以輸入你要找的人/怪的名字, 如過它在附近的話就會出現一條光線帶你去找. |
2 sec. casting |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Intellectual Studies | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Elven Wisdom | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
High Priest's Guidance | Increases Ministration and Defense by 5.0. 增加使用 Ministration 系的魔法技能跟Defense的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Devotion to the Arts | Increases Subjugation and Disruption by 5.0. 提高使用 Subjugation/Disruption 系列的魔法技能熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Focused Prowess | Increases spell damage and heal amount based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高法術傷害力跟補血能力一定數值. |
Passive |
Focus of Tunare | Increases Casting Speed by 2.0%. 提高施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Noble Gallop | Increases Mount Speed by 5.0%. 增加座騎的跑速/飛速 5% |
Passive |
Connoisseur of Fine Wines | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 20%. 食用飲食用的飲料所獲得的滿足度時間延長 20% |
Passive |
Expert Chemistry | Increases duration of potions by 20%. 讓藥水的有效時間延長 20% |
Passive |
Hastened Study | Increases Out-of-Combat Power Regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Arcane Knowledge | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Thoughts of Felwithe | Increases In-Combat Power Regeneration based on level. 增加戰鬥中的魔力回復值, 回復量依等級而異. |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Elemental Barrier | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對元素的抗性 |
Passive |
Tenet of Takish'Hiz | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對秘法奧術的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Skillful Creations | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製作時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Finest Creations | Increases Durability per round by 2. 提高製作時每回合的耐久度2 |
Passive |
Esoteric Study | Increases Scribing by 5.0. 增加法書鈔錄熟練值 5 |
Passive |
Gilding of Felwithe | Increases Artificing by 5.0. 增加珠寶細工的熟練值 5 |
Passive |
Finest Robes Around | Reduces power cost of Tailoring reaction arts by 10%. 處理裁縫對應突發事件所耗用的魔力值降低10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Shows a heat profile for all living creatures in view. 紅外線視力, 活體生物身上會發光, 無生物會變更暗而看不到. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Transmutations | Reduces power cost of Transmutation reaction arts by 10%. 使用拆解 Transmutation 所耗用的魔力值降低 10% |
Passive |
Mind over Matter | Reduces maximum falling speed of caster. 從高處跳下來時不會摔死而是緩緩下降. |
Casting 2.0 sec, recast 10.0 sec., lasts until cancelled. |
Interdimensional Portal | Teleports caster to an ally while outside of combat. 脫離戰鬥後可用這一招把自己傳送到同一個zone的隊友所在位置. |
Casting 10.0 sec, 12 hrs. recast 每12 小時才能使用一次這技能 |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Intelligent Designs | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Brute Force | Grants a level-dependent increase to STR. 以等級為準照比例提高 Strength 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Teachings of Bayle | Increases Defense and Disruption by 5.0. 增加 Defense 跟使用 Disruption 系的法術熟練度 5 |
Passive |
D'Lere's Fighting Stance | Increases Crushing and Slashing by 5.0. 提高使用鈍擊/砍擊武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Critical Shielding | Increases all Crit Chances by 1.0% and Deflection and Shield by 1.0. 提高爆擊率 1% 以及 Deflection 跟盾牌的 Protection 1% |
Passive |
Offensively Skilled | Increases Casting Speed and Double Attack by 1.0% 增加施法速度跟雙重攻擊率 1% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Smoked Meats | Increases tradeskilled food duration by 15% 延長食物的滿足度時間 15% |
Passive |
Quick Recuperation | Increases out-of-combat Health Regeneration by a level-dependent amount. 增加脫離戰鬥後的回血速度 |
Passive |
Fast Twitched | Reduces initial power cost of Sprint by 33%, increases sprinting speed by 10. 降低逃之夭夭的初始魔力消耗 33%, 並增加逃跑的跑速 10 |
Passive |
Charge into Battle | Increases out-of-combat run speed by 5.0%. 增加脫離戰鬥後的跑速 5% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Meditative State | Increases your mana pool by 3.0%. 提高你的魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Ruggedness | Increases Max Health by 3.0%. 提高你的魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Environmental Adaptability | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對元素的抗性. |
Passive |
Leather Skin | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對物理攻擊的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Skilled Artistry | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製作時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Quick Assembly | Increases progress by 2.0%. 提高製作時的進度值 2% |
Passive |
Clothier | Increases durability per round by 2. 提高製作時的物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Diversity | Increases all primary tradeskills by 5.0. 增加所有主要工匠技能熟練度 5 , 意思是說除了 tinkering 跟 transmuting 之外的工匠能力. |
Passive |
Breaking Down | Increases Transmuting by 5.0. 增加 Transmute 拆解能力熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Multitalented | Reduces harvesting time by 0.5 seconds. 降低挖礦伐木採集釣魚挖獸穴等等的採集時間 0.5 秒. |
Passive |
Diplomacy | Reduces enemies' awareness until they take damage. 短暫地降低單一隻敵人的警戒範圍讓你有間隙可以從旁跑過去不被 aggro |
3.0 sec. casting, 2 min. recast, 50.0 meter range, 20.0 sec. duration. 施放時間 3 秒, 重施時間 2 分鐘, 射程 50 公尺, 有效時間 20 秒. |
Urban Sprawl | Reduces recast time for city call spells by 10 minutes. 縮短你回城法術的再度可使用時間 10 分鐘. |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Sathirian Legacy | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Last One Standing | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高 Stamina 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Tools of Fear | Increases Subjugation and Disruption by 5.0. 提高 Subjugation 跟 Disruption 兩系魔法的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Merciless | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2%. 加快敵意性法術的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Grace of Fear | Increases Deflection, Defense and Parry by 5.0. 提高 Deflection/Defense/Parry 的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Formidable Training | Increases Shield Effectiveness by 2.0% and Deflection Chance by 2.0. 增加盾牌的 protection 值 2% 以及 Deflection 機率 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Slow Metabolism | Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 延長藥水的有效時間 15% |
Passive |
Return to Formation | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 提高脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heal for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 脫離戰鬥狀態後每按此招一次可自補 2%的血量. |
2.0 sec. casting, 1.0 sec. recast 施放時間 2 秒, 再等一秒才能再度使用. |
Protective Skin | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 減低從高處跳下來受的損傷 15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Legionnaire's Focus | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Legacy of the Shissar | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Hardened Scales | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對元素的抗性 |
Passive |
Tough Scales | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理防禦力 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Trained Focus | Increases Durability per round by 1 and success chance by 1.0%. 製作時每回合增加物品耐久度 1 以及成攻率 1% |
Passive |
Legion's Quartermaster | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高工匠製作的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Dark Medicine | Increases Chemistry by 5.0. 增加化學相關作業熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Whipstitch | Lowers power cost of Tailoring reaction arts by 10%. 處理裁縫突發狀態的手段魔力消耗量 10% |
Passive |
Scalesmith | Lowers power cost of Armorer reaction arts by 10%. 處理打造盔甲突發狀態的手段魔力消耗量 10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Aquavision | Provides clear vision underwater, removing any blur. 在水中可以清楚視物, 移除水中視線糢糊效果 |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Reptilian Ancestry | Increases out-of-combat health regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的血條回復速度 |
Passive |
Proficient Swimmer | Enables underwater breathing. 可以在水中呼吸不會溺斃 |
Passive |
Reptilian Grace | Grants the skill Safefall. 天生就有降低從高處摔下來的受傷程度. 這可以讓你從更高的地方跳下來不至摔死. 不過Safefall是需要鍛練的. |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Spirit of Vah Kerrath | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Kejaan's Inspiration | Grants a level-dependent increase to STR. 以等級為準照比例提高 Strength 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Nimble Paws | Increases Disruption and Defense by 5.0. 增加 Disruption 跟 Defense 的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Clawed Strikes | Increases Crushing and Slashing by 5.0. 提高使用鈍擊/砍擊武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Murrar Shar's Guidance | Increases Casting Speed and Double Attack by 1.0% 提高施法速度 1% 以及 雙重攻擊率 1% |
Passive |
Quiet Storm | Increases all Crit Chances by 1.0% and Deflection and Shield by 1.0. 增加所有的爆擊機率 1% 以及增加 Defelection 熟練度 1 跟盾牌的 protection 值 1% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Shamanistic Fasting | Increases tradeskilled food duration by 15% 延長食用食物的滿足度時間 15% |
Passive |
Ancestral Blessing | Increases out-of-combat Health Regeneration by a level-dependent amount. 加速脫離戰鬥後的血條回復速度 |
Passive |
Natural Athlete | Reduces initial power cost of Sprint by 33%, increases sprinting speed by 10. 降低逃之夭夭時的初始魔力消耗量 33% 並提高逃跑速度 10 |
Passive |
Kerra Speed | Increases out-of-combat run speed by 5.0%. 加快非戰鬥時的跑速 5% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Tribal Knowledge | Increases your mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Spiritual Boon | Increases Max Health by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Adaptable | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高元素抗性 |
Passive |
Fur Coat | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理防禦力 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Agile Creations | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 增加工匠製造時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Prehensile Tail | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 增加工匠製造時的進度值 2% |
Passive |
Gift of the Land | Reduces power cost of Alchemy reaction arts by 10%. 降低從事化學相關工匠時的應對手法魔力消耗值10% |
Passive |
Timber Shaper | Increases Fletching by 5.0. 提高木工熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Chasing Balls of Yarn | Increases Tailoring by 5.0. 提高裁縫熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Sonicvision | Highlights moving creatures. 超音波視覺, 會以同一色調但是高對比值的畫面視物, 在黑夜中極為有用 |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Feline Grace | Grants the skill Safefall. 天生就跟貓一樣具有從高處跳下來而不受傷的技能, 不過太高時還是會噴血的. |
Passive |
Feral Rage | Increases in-combat movement speed by 50% 使用後在戰鬥中的跑速會提高 50% |
1.0 sec. casting, 5 min. recast, 36.0 sec. duration 施放時間1秒, 有效時間36秒, 使用過後要再5分鐘才能重用一次. |
Tracking | Tracks a selected target, causing a trail to appear that leads to their location. 具有追蹤能力, 使用之後會在畫面中出現一個小視窗, 你可以在上面輸入要找的人/怪物名字. 若有在附近則會出現一條光束帶你去找. |
2.0 sec. casting |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Wisdom of Experience | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Endurance of Earth and Water | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高 Stamina 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Combat Healing | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 增加 Ministration 系法術的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Rallosian Reflexes | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快使用增益型法術時的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Rallosian Army Training | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 提高 Parry/Defense/Deflection 的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Steadfast Defender | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 增加 Deflection 熟練度 2 以及盾牌的 protection 值 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Extended March | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長藥水的有效時間 10% |
Passive |
Vitality of the Swamp | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加速脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 脫離戰鬥後每使用這技能一次可自補 2%的血量. |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. |
Sturdy Feet | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 降低從高處摔下來的損傷 15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Resilient Mind | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Rallos Zek's Blessing | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Oggokian Stubbornness | Increases arcane mitigation based on level 以等級為準照比例提高對 Arcane 的抗性. |
Passive |
Armor of the Feerott | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理防禦力 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Fortune of the Feerott | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 製造時每回合提高物品耐久度 1 以及成功率 1% |
Passive |
Oggokian Durability | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製造時每回合提高物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Rallosian Readiness | Increases Metal Shaping by 5.0. 提高金屬塑型(製造盔甲)的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Oggokian Trade | Reduces power cost of Weaponsmith reaction arts by 10%. 降低處理打造武器時應對突發狀況時的魔力消耗值 10% |
Passive |
Mooshga's Tutelage | Reduces power cost of Provisioner reaction arts by 10%. 降低烹飪時的突發狀況應對魔力消耗值 10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 給予高對比值的單色調畫面, 有助於在黑暗中視物. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Rock Thrower | Reduces Mining time by 1 second. 降低挖礦的花費時間1秒 |
Passive |
Commanding Presence | Enlarges caster by 20%. 讓自己的個子變大 20% |
Casting 3.0 sec, recast 20.0 sec., lasts until cancelled. |
Impenetrable Will | Makes caster immune to Stun effects. 使用過後不會被 Stun |
Casting 1.0 sec, 10.0 sec duration, 5 min recast 施放時間1秒, 10秒內有效, 要5分鐘過後才能重新再使用一次. |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Fleet Footed | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例提高 Agility 的數值 |
Passive |
Enhanced Intellect | Grants a level-dependent increase to INT. 以等級為準照比例提高 Intelligence 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Stabby | Increases Piercing and Ranged by 5.0. 提高使用刺擊/遠程武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Ratonga Reflexes | Increases Double Attack by 2.0%. 增加雙重攻擊率 2% |
Passive |
Wiggling Whiskers | Increases Disruption and Subjugation by 5.0. 提高使用 Disruption/Subjugation 兩系法術的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Speedy Paws | Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2.0% 提高敵意性法數的施放速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Shadowlurker | Increases stealth/invisible movement speed by 15.0%. 增加躡蹤/隱形時的跑速 15% |
Passive |
Secrets of the Underfoot | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 提高毒藥的可使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Bristlebane's Blessing | Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 提高藥水的有效時間 15% |
Passive |
Swift Recovery | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Legacy of Brell | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and health pool by 2.0%. 增加魔力條 1% 跟血條 2% |
Passive |
Resilience of the Underfoot | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Antidote | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Hidden Tricks | Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對元素的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Brell's Blessing | Increases success chance by 2.0%. 提高製作時的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Swift Scamper | Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 提高製作時的進度 2% |
Passive |
Instruments of the Underfoot | Increases Weaponsmithing by 5.0. 增加打造武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Power Play | Reduces power cost of Alchemist reaction arts by 10%. 降低從事化學相關作業的突發狀況應對所需的魔力消耗 10% |
Passive |
Skillful Paws | Reduces power cost of Carpenter reaction arts by 9%. 降低從事家具匠相關作業時的突發狀況應對所需的魔力消耗 9% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Sonicvision | Highlights moving creatures. 超音波視覺, 上面的解說是會移動的生物身上會有高量度效果, 不過我實際試用的結果是跟其它種的超音波視覺一樣, 都是給予同一色調但是高對比的畫面. 在黑夜中很好用. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Rob | Attempts to steal some coin. 嘗試偷取小額金錢. |
1.0 sec. casting, 5 min. recasting, 3.0 meters range |
Thieving Ways | Grants the skill Disarm Trap. 擁有解除寶箱陷阱的能力 |
Passive |
Swift Scurry | Increases speed by 5.0%. 天生跑速快 5% |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Countenance | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高 Stamina 的數值 |
Passive |
Insight | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Nobility of Faith | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 增加使用 Ministration 補血法術熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Clarity During Battle | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快使用增益型法術的施放速度 2% |
Passive |
Hold Strong | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 提高防禦技能 parry/defense/deflection 熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Victory | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 提高 deflection 熟練度 2 跟盾牌 protection 值 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Ration Water | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 增加飲食用的飲料滿足度時間 10% |
Passive |
Empowered | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加速脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 脫離戰鬥後按一下這招可自補 2% 的血量 |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. |
Reflexive Landing | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 減低從高處摔下來受到的傷害 15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Honor of Insight | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Will of the Archlord | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Spirituality | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對 Arcane 系法術的抗性 |
Passive |
Focus of Warfare | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理防禦力 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Field Repairs | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 製作時每回合增加物品耐久度 1 以及成功率 1% |
Passive |
Excellence | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製作時每回合增加物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Weapon Production | Reduces power cost of Weaponsmith arts by 10%. 降低打造武器時突發狀況應對的魔力消耗值 10% |
Passive |
Carpenter's Touch | Increases Sculpting by 5.0. 增加製造家具類的技巧熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Profound Focus | Reduces power cost of Sage reaction arts by 10%. 降低從事法書抄錄時突發狀況應對的魔力消耗值 10% |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Aquavision | Provides clear vision underwater, removing any blur. 在水中可以清楚視物, 移除水中模糊效果. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Hunter's Fury | Increases in-combat speed by 50%. 使用後增加戰鬥中跑速 50%, 時間36秒. 5分鐘後才能再用一次. |
1.0 sec. cast, 5 min. recast, 36.0 sec. duration |
Hastened Gathering | Reduces harvesting time by 0.5 seconds. 加速各種挖礦/採集/伐木/釣魚/挖獸穴的採集時間 0.5秒 |
Passive |
Stride | Increases speed by 5.0%. 天生跑速加 5% |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Uncommon Insight | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值. |
Passive |
Cazic's Enduring Hold | Grants a level-dependent increase to STA. 以等級為準照比例提高 Stamina 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Adoration | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 增加補血相關法術 Ministration 熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Brainy | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快增益性法術的施放速度 2% |
Passive |
Stubbornness | Increases Parry, Defense, and Deflection by 5.0. 增加閃避物理普攻相關技能 Parry/Defense/Deflection 熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Good Blocking | Increases Deflection by 2.0 and Shield Effectiveness by 2.0%. 提高 Deflection 熟練度 2 以及盾牌 protection 值 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Swamp Water | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長飲料的滿足度時間 10% |
Passive |
Restore | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 加快脫離戰鬥後的魔力條回復速度 |
Passive |
Bind Wound | Heals for 2.0% of max health while out of combat. 在脫離戰鬥後按一下這招一次可以自補 2%的血 |
2.0 sec casting, recast 1.0 sec. |
Walk it Off | Decreases falling damage by 15.0%. 降低從高處摔下來造成的噴血量 15% |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Maniacal Madness | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Basher's Will | Increases health pool by 3.0%. 增加血條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Defy Magic | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高秘法奧術 Arcane系的抗性 |
Passive |
Putrid Hide | Increases physical mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高物理防禦力 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
More Glue | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製作時每回合提高物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Kruzz's Luck | Increases Durability per round by 1.0 and success chance by 1.0%. 製作時每回合提高耐久度 1 以及成功率 1% |
Passive |
Troll Gourmet | Increases Artistry by 5.0. 提高廚藝熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Mender of the Mire | Increases Armorer success chance by 2.0% 提高打造盔甲的成功率 2% |
Passive |
Rub the Mud Off | Increases Artificing by 5.0. 提高珠寶細工的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Ultravision | Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color. 類超音波視覺, 給予同色調但是高對比的視覺畫面. 有助於黑夜中視物. |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Innothule's Blessing | Increases out-of-combat health regeneration based on level. 脫離戰鬥後回血速度加快 |
Passive |
Ignore Terror | Makes caster immune to Fear effects. 使用之後解除被恐懼亂亂跑的效果, 不過5分鐘才能用一次. |
1.0 sec. casting, 5 min. recast, 20.0 sec. duration |
Tasty Things | Increases duration of tradeskilled food by 25%. 讓食物的滿足度延長 25% |
Passive |
Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90. | ||
Name | Effect | Duration |
Attribute | ||
Faydark Champion's Agility | Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI. 以等級為準照比例提高 Agility 的數值 |
Passive |
Tunare's Guidance | Grants a level-dependent increase to WIS. 以等級為準照比例提高 Wisdom 的數值 |
Passive |
Combat | ||
Piercing Arrows | Increases Ranged and Piercing by 5.0. 增加遠程武器/刺擊武器的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Trueshot's Aura | Gain Double Attack of 2.0%. 增加雙重攻擊率 2% |
Passive |
Healing Grace | Increases Ministration by 5.0. 提高補血相關法術 Ministration 的熟練度 5 |
Passive |
Soldier of Tunare's Alacrity | Improves the casting speed of beneficial spells by 2%. 加快增益性法術的施法速度 2% |
Passive |
Noncombat | ||
Shadow Stalker | Increases stealth/invisible speed by 15% 在躡蹤/隱形時跑速加快 15% |
Passive |
Poisonous Plants | Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 增加毒藥的可使用次數 25% |
Passive |
Elvish Spirits | Increases duration of tradeskilled drinks by 10%. 延長飲料的滿足度時間 10% |
Passive |
Woodland Regeneration | Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 脫離戰鬥後的回魔速度加快 |
Passive |
Pools | ||
Gift of Tunare | Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and Max Health by 2.0%. 增加魔力條 1% 以及血條 2% |
Passive |
Vitality of the Fier'Dal | Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 提高魔力條 3% |
Passive |
Resist | ||
Shield of Nature | Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對毒的抗性 |
Passive |
Shield of Bark | Increases arcane mitigation based on level. 以等級為準照比例提高對秘法奧術 Arcane 的抗性 |
Passive |
Tradeskill | ||
Gift of the Faydark | Reduces power cost of Woodworking abiities by 10%. 降低製造東西時的技能魔力消耗值10% |
Passive |
Faydwer Fashions | Increases success chance during Tailoring by 2.0%. 從事裁縫時成功率加 2% |
Passive |
Mithril Ringmaking | Reduces power cost of Artificing reaction arts by 10%. 從事珠寶細工使用技能的魔力消耗少 10% |
Passive |
Natural Progression | Increases progress by 2.0%. 加快製作時的進度 2% |
Passive |
Durable Goods | Increases Durability per round by 2. 製作時每回合增加物品耐久度 2 |
Passive |
Innate Abilities | ||
Infravision | Shows a heat profile for all living creatures in view. 紅外線視覺, 活的生物身上會發紅光. 無生物則看不出來 |
2 hrs., recast 2 sec. |
Keeper of the Forest | Reduces gathering and foresting time by 1 second. 採集跟伐木所花的時間降低一秒, 其它種族要花 3秒 |
Passive |
Terrain Negotiation | Increases speed by 5.0%. 天生跑速快 5% |
Passive |
Tracking | Tracks a selected target, causing a trail to appear that leads to their location. 追蹤能力, 會出現一個視窗, 可以在上面看到附近怪的名字, 也可以在上面打上特定人物或怪的名字來找. 找到按下去會有光線帶你去找到它. |
2 sec. casting |