Xuqls ( 居克爾斯 )

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基礎生命值 HIT POINTS:750
基礎防禦力 Armor:0%/基礎格擋率 Dodge:0%
In the far north, there lies a warped and barren wasteland, beyond the habitable areas of the world. Known as the Chaos Wastes, it is inhabited by the followers of the four gods of Chaos, the humans that have wandered too far from their lands and their humanity, and by the Daemonic servants of the gods themselves. It is a land devoid of hope or mercy, and only the suicidal venture there.
The Horror of Tzeentch Xiththlthlhluuq'phakn'ndhppeommn'naehlaebheeowirarthhhabls is one such denizen of these wastes. Known to mortals as Xuq'ls, he has served to spread the power of Tzeentch for centuries. Many believe him to simply be a legend, as very few have seen him and lived, and fewer still are the ones who have retained any grasp on their sanity.
All tales of Xuq'ls are different, with disagreements on his size, strength, and color. However, one part of the tale is consistent. Xuq'ls speaks constantly, both in mortal tongues and the long-forgotten tongues of Chaos, and his gibbering tears at the edges of your sanity. His madness has scarred itself into the mind of all who have faced him.
被動技能 PASSIVE                                                           
1)能力提高 ( Empowerment )
2)謀殺者 ( Murderer )
能力技能 ABILITIES                                                         
1) 爆破 Blast
魔法 無冷卻時間 傷害49點,每次攻擊有20%的機率發動Empowerment
2) 提綱曲之火 Fire of Tzeentch
魔法 5秒冷卻 傷害76點。
增益 隨著Xuq'ls的生命值減少,提高Empowerment發動機率(最高增加50%)
3) 巨大能量 Surge of Power
魔法 15秒冷卻 ,傷害103點。
增益 100%發動Empowerment。
減益 將目標緩速,持續3秒。
4) 不安定的使魔 Unstable Servant
魔法 無冷卻時間 ,造成一個區域傷害45點攻擊數次,需要消耗Empowerment
5) 能量驅散 Expel Energy
魔法 無冷卻時間 對目標造能數次傷害34點,持續3秒,需要消耗Empowerment
精通戰術點 MASTREY TREE                                            
         Arena ( 競技場 )
         Mourkain Temple ( 摩漢神殿 )
Heroes ( 英雄 )
     Empire ( 帝國 )
         Lucian ( 魯希安 )
         Conrad ( 康拉德 )
         Felicia ( 芙莉希雅 )
         Grigori ( 格里戈里 )
     Dwarfs ( 矮人 )
         Olwyn ( 奧文 )
         Durrig ( 德瑞克 )
     High Elves ( 高等精靈 )
         Aessa ( 艾斯阿 )
         Korith ( 柯瑞特 )
         Rydion ( 瑞狄恩 )
     Dark Elves ( 黑暗精靈 )
         Ilanya ( 依蘭亞 )
         Korelei ( 寇拉蕾 )
         Malus ( 馬勒斯 )
         Zathis ( 拉利斯 )
     Greenskins ( 綠皮 )
         Bax ( 巴克斯 )
         Ozgrot ( 歐茲卡特 )
         Glowgob ( 葛洛沃寇本 )
     Chaos ( 混沌 )
         Volrik ( 佛瑞克 )
         Archivist ( 檔案管理員 )
         Albodi (艾巴迪)
     Deamons ( 惡魔 )
         Xuqls ( 居克爾斯 )
     Vampire Counts ( 吸血鬼 )
         Nethys ( 娜莉絲 )
         Bonechewer ( 骨噬 )
         Wilhelm ( 威廉 )
         The Red Duke ( 紅色公爵 )
     Tomb King ( 古墓之王 )
         Amenadresh ( 阿曼納爪斯 )
         Serkhet ( 塞凱特 )
     Ogre Kingdoms ( 食人魔王國 )
         Drulg ( 佐格 )
     Skaven ( 鼠人 )
         Ikkrik ( 伊奎克 )
         Skeetk ( 斯基提克 )
     Wood Elves ( 木精靈 )
         Kaelin ( 凱林 )
Alchemy ( 煉金系統 )

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