近期編輯: a197382176 ...看更多 |
FRAG GRENADE Training to throw a Fragmentation Grenade at you enemies. |
MEDIC BOX Deploy a Medic Box that will gradually heal you and any nearby team mates. |
TOW MISSILE SYSTEM Train to use the TOW Missile System when piloting the Amoured Personnel Carrier. |
可以讓您在駕駛APC的時候可以用右鍵發射...神麼飛彈@@ | |||
HELICOPTER PILOTING Train to pilot combat and transport heilcopter vehicles. |
可以架使直昇機 | |||
TANK COAXIAL MACHINEGUN Train to use the Coaxial Machinegun when piloting heavy tanks. |
開坦克的時候可以案''右''鍵,用機槍攻擊,技能等級越高機槍子彈越多 |
JET PILOT TRAINING Train to pilot fixed wing aircraft. |
可以開飛機 |
DEFIBRILLATOR Allows you to revive fallen team mates with a quick electric shock. This tool can also be used to eliminate enemies. |
可以擁有電擊器,復活隊友,或是電死敵軍 | ||
ADVANCED TACTICAL DEPLOYMENT: MEDIC BOX Allows you to deploy two Medic Boxes at the same time |
可以而外多放至一個醫療箱 | |||
MEDIVAC VEHICLE Heal nearby team mates when you pilot a vehicle |
當駕駛的時候可以醫療在附近的友軍,當乘客時則沒有效果。 | |||
ENHANCED SMOKE DEPLOYMENT Reduce the smoke Deployment reload time for both Tank and APC vehicle types. |
ATTACK CHOPPER ANTI-ARMOR MISSILE SYSTEM Train to use your Attack Helicopter's Anti-Armor Missile SYStem REQUIREMENT Helicopter Piloting 3/3 |
ADVANCED COUNTER MEASURE DEPLOYMENT Reduce the reload time of your Attack Helicopter's counter measures. REQUIREMENT Attack chopper Anti-Armor Missile System 3/3 |
MISSILE COUNTERMEASURE DERLOYMENT Reduce the reload time of your Chaff Deployment System REQUIREMENT Jet Pilot Training 3/3 |
Front line medic Train yourself act as a spawn point for any team mate who dies nearby. You receive no points for team mates who respawn on you. |
創造一個臨時的復活點,在附近死亡的有軍可以使用這個臨時復活點復活。 (貌似可以被"打"掉) |
ATTACK CHOPPER IFF RADAR SYSTEM The Attack Helicopter ldentify Friend or Foe radar system highlights targets on the battlefield. REQUIREMENT Advanced Counter Measure Deployment 2/2 |
GROUND CREW SUPPORT Allows your Jet and Helicopter vehicles to be repaired and resupplied when you return to hime base areas. |
JDAM WEAPON SYSTEM Equips your Jet Vehicles with bombs that can be dropped on enemy ground troops. REQUIREMENT Missile Countermeasure Deployment 2/2 |
ADVANCED AIRCRAFT IFF SYSTEM Increase the range of aircraft IFF radar to locate targets that are further away. REQUIREMENT JDAM Weapon System 3/3 |
TIER 1 |
TIER 2 |
Combat triage Displays team mate and enemy health status |
Combat resilience increase the health you receive from all sources |
TIER 3 |
可以短時間看到戰場上所有敵人的位置 |
PHYSICAL TRAINING: TOUGHMESS increase your total hitpoints |
增加自己的生命上限 |