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    1. BLOG版本→ [翻譯]CA大戰第3季 ARENA說明

CA大逃殺又來啦!! 這次是用公會戰模式 =..=
不過每2小時開一場,隊員完全隨機... 會有什麼公會戰的FU嗎 囧r
* 新情報: 能用5FP買AT完全回復(10AT),有錢的是大爺!! 衝吧!!美金!!


如果一隊中少於40人,會依人數均分至塔中。每一隊會對上和自己同一個ARENA RANK的隊伍,你會對上和自己差不多強度的對手。
(最好是啦 =..= 被爛隊友氣死的機會倒是不少)
Arena Season III will be done in a Guild Battle format. However, unlike guild battles, you will be placed on a randomized team depending on your rank. Two teams will battle against each other in a 1 hour battle. You will be placed randomly in one of the four towers created. Each team will consist of a maximum of forty (40) members, with ten (10) members in each of the four gates. If there are less than 40 members on a team, the team shall be distributed evenly amongst each gate (e.g. 36 team members will result in 9 members in each gate). Each team shall be comprised of individuals within the same Arena Ranks as you. You will also be matched against an opposing team of similar strength.
Your Class for an Arena Battle is determined by the one selected within the Character Class page at the beginning of the Arena Battle. YouCANNOTchange your Class for the current battle once it has started. However, you can change your Class and have it take effect on the next Arena Battle. Also remember to set your Class Ability from the Character Class page.
-每2小時會開戰一次,依你的AR (ARENA RANK)將你隨機分至同等級的隊伍之中
-在對戰中獲勝以取得AP (Arena Points)
- Each action in the Arena Battle will require the use of Arena Tokens
- You will be provided a full charge of Arena Tokens at the beginning of each Arena Battle
- You will recharge an Arena Token every 5 minutes
- An Arena Battle will start every two hours on the hour and you will be placed onto a team with other participants based on your Arena Rank
- Win battles within an Arena Battle to earn Arena Points
- The battle portion of an Arena Battle lasts 1 hour or until all players on one side are below 200 health
- If either team is unable to eliminate all other players on the opposing team, the winning team is the one with the higher percentage of members still above 200 health - The Arena Battle must be over in order for you to collect your reward whether that means all members of the opposing team have been eliminated or the time limit has expired
- You will have up until<span>five (5) minutes</span>prior to the start of the next battle to collect your reward
- You must collect your reward during the collection period to be awarded your Arena Points
- If you doNOTcollect your reward within the collection period, your Arena Points for that particular battle will be forfeited
- Members of the winning team collect a 25% bonus to their Arena Point total for that battle (e.g. win 1000 Arena Points within an Arena Battle; reward is 1250 Arena Points)
- Members of the losing team receive a 25% detriment to their Arena Point total for that battle (e.g. win 1000 Arena Points within an Arena Battle; reward is 750 Arena Points)
- If the winning team defeats the opposing team within 30 minutes of the start of the Arena Battle, the winning team will receive an additional 10% bonus to their collection of Arena Points (e.g. win 1000 Arena Points within an Arena Battle; reward is 1350 Arena Points)
- Your rank is based on the number of Arena Points relative to all other Arena participants
- At the end of each day, you will be awarded a rank relative to all Arena participants
- Your current rank at the end of the Arena season will determine your final rank and your rewards
- You will receive rewards for your rank as well as all ranks below it
- Minimum level to opt into the Arena is level 50
- Add Reinforcements for additional bonuses in Arena. Each Reinforcement bonus will last for 5 days.
- Bonus 4: +50 Total Bonus Damage!
R1 Brawler Gloves A8/D8
R2 Swordsman Battlegear A10/D15
R3 Warriors Blade A30/D19
R4 Gladiator Pendant A30/D26
R5 Heroic Inspiration A25/D20
R6 Vanguard Doomhelm 頂武預定 A45/D45
R7 Gehenna 火元素,應該是兵 A110/D110

英雄 Heroes
嘉年華 Festival
     主要 Main
     戰鬥 Battle
     怪物 Monster
         塔1 Tower∣
         塔2 TowerⅡ
     遊戲 Games
     事蹟 Feats
     小酒館 Tavern
神諭 Oracle
倉庫 keep
禮物 gift


face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】