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  1. 第一章魔王
  2. 第二章魔王
  3. 第三章魔王
  4. 第四章魔王
  5. 第五章魔王



After Diablo was slain in the catacombs beneath the town of Tristram, a grand celebration that lasted several days was held. The hero that defeated the Lord of Terror looked as if he had walked through Hell itself, and as the weeks passed, he kept his distance from the rest of the townsfolk and seemed to lapse into a dark, brooding depression. One day, he simply left. And shortly thereafter Tristram was attacked by legions of foul demons. While many of the townsfolk were merely slain, some were forced into cursed servitude.
The stout blacksmith Griswold was one of those who were bound past death to attend the desires of The Three. Wandering the town he once loved, he uses arcane powers and an unholy strength granted to his twisted body by Andariel to stop any from following the path of the Wanderer.

The Rogue Monastery served as temple, military headquarters and home for the Sisters of the Sightless Eye for generations. It was here that the Rogues gathered in times of peace to train and in times of war to utilize that training. During the Sin War, the ancient Horadric Mages forged and enchanted a Weapon that also held the power to create powerful artifacts. When their union dissolved, this Horadric Malus was entrusted to the Sisterhood guarding the pass into the East.
When Andariel deceit overthrew the structure of the Sisterhood, a great struggle between the followers of Blood Raven and those of Kashya, erupted. The Rogues were forced to give up their ancestral home and the Monastery is now filled with voracious hellspawn. While all of these dark beasts are dangerous, the Overlord who guards the Malus is particularly brutal. Known as The Smith, this vile craftsman now uses the power of the Malus to create weaponry for the minions of Diablo.

Ancient Horadric texts record that Andariel and the other Lesser Evils once overthrew the three Prime Evils - Diablo, Mephisto and Baal - banishing them from Hell to our world. With this betrayal weighing against her, Andariel's presence in Sanctuary can only mean that the forces of Hell are once again aligned behind Diablo and his Brothers. While it is clear that the Maiden of Anguish is acting on behalf of Diablo to prevent anyone from following him eastward, it is also clear that she must be destroyed if the Lord of Terror is to be stopped.
蜘蛛的女王,紅色的頭髮,在Diablo的世界觀中,是僅次於三大魔神(Mephisto Diablo Baal)的地獄四王之一,為象徵折磨的女王(the Maiden of Anguish),攻擊模式是直接攻擊跟毒之新星(與死靈法師不同),毒抗性只要在10以上就不會有太大的危險。如果有注意迪卡.凱恩所給的提示,就會發現她的火焰抗性並不高。地獄難度要小心週遭會出現無帶靈氣的小王。



The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, made his lair beneath the sands of Lut Gholein. Seeing Demons as deceptive and cunning adversaries who deserved to be enslaved and tormented, he honed his abilities to control them as completely as possible. His prowess as a powerful Summoner is well documented, but Horazon secretly feared that the Lords of Hell would punish him for enslaving their brethren. The creation of his Arcane Sanctuary was an attempt to keep opposing mages, inquisitive thieves and even lesser Demons confused and far from his summoning circle. The Summoner believed that he could bend Evil forces to his will. What he didn't know was that Evil uses man, not the reverse...

在原罪之戰(Sin War)發動的幾個世紀,許多地獄的惡魔開始懷疑他們到底在跟誰作戰。較低階的惡魔已經厭倦這樣無止盡的衰落,以及隨著三個罪惡之源-Diablo,巴爾和墨菲斯托的喜好而動。他們渴望回到如史詩描述的「末日之戰」的日子,並且再次攻進天堂的大門。其中兩個較低階的惡魔,阿茲莫登(Azmodan)和比萊爾(Belial),看見了他們推翻罪惡之源和控制地獄的機會。他們跟安達利爾和都瑞爾--及他們較次要的同志們一樣--訂下了一個協定,確定人類不會幫地獄取得終級的勝利。阿茲莫登和比萊爾定下了一個計畫結束這個僵局並取得原罪之戰的勝利,最後將大戰推向末日的頂點。於是,一場巨大的革命開始在地獄發生,將罪惡之源的三個兄弟給流放(到人間)。接下來的兩個世紀,這三個被封印的兄弟致力於腐化那將他們困在人間的靈魂之石,並開始讓周圍的人類臣服於他們。墨菲斯托是第一個被封印,也是第一個獲得自由的,他那對那些陷他於如此的人的憤怒來得快速而殘酷。作為將罪惡之源流放到人間的懲罰,巴爾將都瑞爾留下來看守塔‧拉夏的古墓。由於被單獨束縛在此的痛苦,痛苦之王奪去了許多英勇冒險者的靈魂和鮮血。
As the Sin War plodded along through the centuries, many in Hell began to wonder just what it was they were fighting over. The Lesser Evils of Hell were growing tired of the endless ebb and flow in the tides of mortal favor, as well as those in the elaborate schemes of the three Prime Evils - Diablo, Baal and Mephisto. The Lesser Evils longed to return to the epic days of the Great Conflict, and lay siege again to the gates of the High Heavens.
Two of the Lesser Evils, Azmodan and Belial, saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two Demon lords made a pact with Andariel and Duriel - as well as their minor brethren - assuring them that humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate and achieve victory in the Sin War, ultimately riding the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers, seeking to send them into a Dark Exile.
Over the next two centuries, the three imprisoned brothers focused their Demonic powers upon corrupting the Soulstones that bound them to the mortal plane and began bending the will of any nearby humans. Mephisto was the first imprisoned and, consequently, was the first to break free from his bondage. His wrath against those who had put him such a compromised position was swift and merciless.
As punishment for his part in the Dark Exile that sent the Prime Evils to the mortal realm, Duriel has been left behind by Baal to guard the Tomb of Tal Rasha. Embittered by this new position of solitary servitude, the Lord of Pain has claimed the souls and blood of many bold adventurers.
地獄四王中的痛苦之王(the Lord of Pain),一隻巨大的鏈刀昆蟲,聖冰靈氣常駐。攻擊方式是直接攻擊跟突進直擊,直接攻擊傷害力稍低,生命力偏低的玩家要小心牠的突進直擊,地獄難度下,法術系生命力不高的角色,要注意被瞬間斬殺的危險。
除了他跟安達利爾外,另外兩個地獄四王分別是…Belial-謊言之王(the Lord of Lies),與Azmodan-罪物之王(the Lord of Sin),這兩者目前都沒有在Diablo這一系列遊戲作品登場,這只是設定上的資料。



Mephisto was the first Prime Evil to be captured and his stone was buried in a vault beneath the Aranoch desert. A third of the Horadrim stayed to guard this tomb until the remaining two Brothers were captured. Though the cost was high, all of The Three were eventually captured.
Mephisto finally managed to overcome the powers of the Soulstone that imprisoned him enough to influence and corrupt the local priesthood, known as the Zakarum. The Demon then had the priests work spells to shatter the Soulstone into seven shards, breaking the mystic seal and freeing the Lord of Hatred. Mephisto drove the six smaller shards into the left palms of six Zakarum archbishops who were then charged with bringing him nourishment in the form of human sacrifices while running their temple. The largest stone pierced the hand of the Que-Hegan, the highest divine authority of the Zakarum faith. It was this body that the Demon used as his manifestation on the mortal plane, warping the mortal form into an approximation of his true visage. For years the corrupted religious leaders of the Zakarum have kept Mephisto supplied with information and misguided followers to carry out his plans of conquest.
地獄三大魔神中的憎恨之王(the Lord of Hatred),同時也是黑暗的三位一體之一,三兄弟中的老大…。直接攻擊力不強,遭到近距離攻擊時會釋放毒爆與充能彈,遠距離則會施放閃電或是暴風雪,



地獄三大魔神中的恐懼之王(the Lord of Terror),黑暗的三位一體之一,三兄弟中的老么。牠會使用火冰雷三屬性的攻擊,火屬性的有火風暴與火之新星,火風暴為其最致命的攻擊(傷害力較高,連續判定速度也較快),火之新星的威脅則較低。冰屬性為近戰時的寒冰掌,威力不大但小心被凍住逃不了…雷屬性為紅雷,是僅次於地獄之火的致命打擊。整體而言…牠的生命力與防禦力都非常的強,破壞力更加不容小覷,牠會施放骨牢困住遠攻型的玩家…,骨牢有時還會擋住傳送門,使玩家無法撤退,如果難度在惡夢以上,強烈建議找人組成隊伍再來挑戰。



As the last surviving clan elder, he has been driven close to madness by his grief over the imminent failure of his clan to protect the Worldstone. Constantly ruminating on the myriad alternate courses the elders could have taken, he lives with the guilt of not dying with his peers.

塔力克來自野蠻人王國的西岸。年輕時候的塔力克就已經掌握了一些野蠻人的技巧。當他被叫去服務古代人的時候年僅19歲。被徵召之前,他只聽說過亞瑞特山的傳說。他所成長的柯‧胡隆山(Kae Huron mountain)橫越亞瑞特,是個連溫水都看不到的地方。某天早上有人敲了他家的門。原來是城鎮的長老跟一個老婦人。訪客進去的時候他的妻子跟小孩正坐在桌前。長老向他介紹老婦人名字叫卡拉(Kala),是來自野蠻人部族首都賽克隆(Sescheron)的先知。她是來授與塔力克保護通往神聖的亞瑞特山大門的終極任務。接受任務的獎賞是在山頂上獲得永恆(的生命)。雖然知道獲選為這樣的一個角色是一項殊榮,但是他再也不能回家,也無法與家人重聚。塔力克從椅子上起身站在比他矮一個頭的先知前面,惡狠狠的告訴她『我不去。』他拒絕了。叫先知去找別人。先知看著他說這不是她能做決定的。古代人跟她說西邊有一位叫做塔力克的年輕武士。他們要的是他,他們選擇的是他。塔力克端詳了先知好一陣子。最後,緩緩的點頭同意,轉身向他的妻兒吻別,前往亞瑞特山。
Talic is from the Western Shores of the Barbarian Kingdom. At a young age, Talic had already mastered several of the barbarian skills. He was only 19 when he was called to serve the Ancients. Before his calling, he had only heard legends of Mt. Arreat. The Kae Huron mountain range, where lies Arreat, isn't even visible from warm waters he grew up around.
One morning there was a knock at his door. It was the town elder and an old woman. They entered as his wife and young child sat at the table. The woman was introduced as Kala the Seer for Sescheron the capital city of the Barbarian Tribes. She came to bestow upon Talic the ultimate task of protecting the sacred gates to Mt. Arreat. His reward for accepting such service would be eternity atop the mountain. While it was an honor beyond comprehension to be chosen for such a role, he would never be able to return home, nor see any of his family again.
Talic rose from his chair, standing a head taller than the Seer, and told her fiercely "I won't go." He had refused. He told the Seer to choose another. Kala looked at him and said the choice was not hers to make. The Ancients had spoken to her of a young warrior in the West named Talic. That was who they wanted, that was who they chose. Talic stared long at the Seer. Then finally, he nodded slowly in agreement, turned to his wife and child, kissed them goodbye, and journeyed to Mt. Arreat.

柯力克在野蠻人王國最南方的漢諾克(Henknoc)叢林長大。當野蠻人住的這塊地方還繁榮而充滿生機的時候,在安心的背後其實也充滿了危險。柯力克是漢諾克的領導者,保護他的子民不受附近野獸的侵害。孩童時期的他曾經馴服一隻最邪惡的動物叫做潛行者(stalker)。傳說他的血液之中擁有德魯依的特質,才能在這麼小的年紀就能辦到這件事。少年時期柯力克從一群巨蜘蛛的口中救出了一個小孩。後來這個小孩被發現是敵對部落酋長的兒子。柯力克毫不遲疑的把這個小男孩帶回家。有人說這是愚蠢的做法,也有人說這是勇氣的表現。無論如何,這件事為兩個部落間的衝突帶來了休止符。當古代人(Ancients)透過部落的先知,他的妻子,招喚柯力克時。她告訴他古代人要他去保護亞瑞特山(Mt. Arreat),那個千萬不能失守的地方。這項殊榮使得柯力克說不出話來。看到這個情形,他的妻子轉身對漢諾克的人民大叫:『我的丈夫,你們的酋長,已經被古代人遴選去保護神聖的亞瑞士山。我們應在榮耀的喜悅之中慶祝直到他離開。』接著他們舉行了三天的慶典直到柯力克離開。最後一天,柯力克為他的繼任者命名。他就是那個柯力克很久以前從巨蜘蛛口中救回的小男孩,現在已經變成了一個男子漢。柯力克知道他會公平公正的統治兩個部族。最後,在完成了他那個的世界的所有行動之後,他冒險爬上亞瑞士的山頂開始他在另一個世界的任務--保護世界之石不被入侵。
Korlic was raised in the Henknoc jungles on the southern end of the barbarian kingdom. While the land that these barbarians lived in was lush and full of life, it was also full of danger beyond belief. Korlic was the leader of the Henknoc, protecting his people from the beasts they lived among. As a child he had managed to tame one of the more vicious animals called a Stalker. It was said that there must have been druid in his blood in order to perform such a task at such a young age. In his teens Korlic rescued a small child from a horde of giant spiders. The child turned out to be the son of a chieftain of an enemy tribe. Without thought or worry Korlic returned the boy home. While some say it was an act of stupidity, others say it was an act of courage. Which ever, it brought about an end to the conflicts between the two tribes.
When the Ancients summoned Korlic it was through the tribes Seer, his wife. She told him the Ancients had called upon him to protect that which must not fall, to protect Mt. Arreat. The honor was such that Korlic could not speak. Seeing this, his wife turned to the people of Henknoc and shouted, "My husband, your chief, has been chosen by the Ancients to guard sacred Mt. Arreat. In honor of this joyous occasion we shall celebrate until his departure." And they celebrated, for three days until Korlic left. On the final day, Korlic named his successor. He was the young boy, now a man, who Korlic had saved from the giant spiders so long ago. Korlic knew he would rule fairly and justly over both tribes. Finally, with all his worldly deeds complete, he ventured to the top of Arreat to begin his otherworldly quest of protecting the Worldstone for all eternity.

沒有人能確定馬道克是打那兒來的,只知道有一天他手持雙斧從北邊的瓦爾‧那瑞安丘陵(the hills of Val Narian)走出來準備戰鬥。那些瘋狂的足以在馬道克身邊戰鬥的人習慣叫他先知戰士。他說他被過去跟現在的影像所詛咒。他常常在不被激怒的情形下開始打鬥,宣稱他能在罪行被犯下之前找到正義。在每一場戰役之前他會神情恍惚的坐下,抬頭凝視著天空。有時候回過神來,他會從他坐的地方起身離開,不加入戰前的等待。知道馬道克會神遊的人開始相信他能在事先知道戰役的結果。不然要如何才能讓那個古怪的老傢伙繼續存活下去呢?他開始因為他的奇特天賦在北方大陸的戰士之間聞名。人們開始追隨馬道克,不管他去哪裡,他停人也停,他走人也走。他成了某種先知戰士的傳說。然而,某天晚上,當馬道克跟他的一些人坐在火堆旁,他突然間丟掉煙管站起來離開。一個人攔下他,問他要去哪裡時,他說:『古代人叫我去守護亞瑞士山,所以我得走了。』話說完後推開那個人,馬道克開始他前往南方亞瑞士山頂端的艱辛旅程。
No one is quite sure where Madawc is from, only that one day he walked out of the hills of Val Narian in the North, an axe in both hands, ready to battle. Those who were crazy enough to battle beside Madawc referred to him as the warrior prophet. He claimed he was cursed with visions from both past and present. He would often begin fights without provocation, claiming he sought justice for crimes not yet committed. Before every battle he would sit, trance like, staring up to the skies. Sometimes, when he would fall out of these trances, he would rise from wherever he was, and leave, not taking part in the waiting battle. Those that knew of Madawc trances began to believe he could tell the outcome of a battle even before it was fought. How else could the crazy old codger have survived for as long as he had? He became well known among the warriors of the Northern Lands because of his supposed gift. Men began to follow Madawc wherever he went, staying if he stayed, leaving when he left. He became something of a legend, a warrior prophet. However, one night as Madawc sat around the fire with some of his men, he stood up, dropped his pipe, and left. When one of the men stopped him and asked where he was going he said, "The Ancients have called me to guard Mt. Arreat. So, I must go." Pushing past the man, Madawc began his long trek south to the summit of Mt. Arreat.

地獄三大魔神中的毀滅之王(the Lord of Destruction),黑暗的三位一體之一,三兄弟中的老二…最聰明同時也最奸邪狡猾的一個,攻擊模式主要是火之新星(Baal專用)、冰的V字衝擊波、觸手,還有專門消耗玩家法力的火燄吐息,法師系要特別的小心…當攻略巴爾時,它的行動有一定機會將施展分身術,雖然複製體的能力比本體要差一些,但同樣的會使用強力的攻擊法術,所以,此時要小心不要被夾在兩個巴爾之間,否則具有擊退效果的V字衝擊波會讓玩家動彈不得,可能還會當場喪命,同時,巴爾還會使用瞬間移動術,如果不論魔王本身的強度…巴爾應該算是三兄弟中最難攻略的(地獄難度下)。

