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  1. Description
  2. Skills


With sharp clawed-paws and tiger stiped body, the Wild Tiger is a close-range melee Hero based on fast speed and agility. The Tiger slowly wanders around until he spots the right target and once he does the beast quickly speeds up and strikes by rolling his entire body into powerful Spin Strike followed by 5 consecutive Maul hits. The Tiger is also able to repel his enemies in fear by roaring loudly. Against Wild Tiger you will be nothing more than a weak prey ready to be defeated


Skill Picture Skill Type Keys Description
X Weapon Skill -SD Maul:
Drawing into his tiger instincts the wild tiger goes into a wild mauling frenzy of five strikes. In this state the wild tiger has no mercy and will even hit enemies that are knocked down.
X Armor Skill ASD Spin Strike:
Curling up into a ball, the wild tiger can turn into a spining ball of death.
X Helm Skill A-D Roar
His Roar is as bad as his bite. Those unfortunate enough to be in the wake of the Wild Tiger's roar have thier sense roared out of them.
X Trinket Skill AS- Pounce
(Passive) The Wild Tiger will pounce right back up when knocked down. This ability also allows you to get back up at a much faster rate than when normally knocked down.

Skill Combos

Training Quests

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Basic Training Wild Tiger Training Begins 10 100 - -
Combat Training Play Wild Tiger for 5 minutes. 50 - - Weapon 3 Days (+1)
Combat Mastery Test Play Wild Tiger for 20 minutes. 50 500 Human Tiger -
Mission Number 1 Play FactionWar/Ladder Match as Wild Tiger for 40 minutes. 100 1000 Going Back -
Prove your skills Undead Wild Tiger KO 6 times. 250 2500 - -
Proof of Strength Miniboss Wild Tiger KO 8 times. 250 2500 How to Protect the Jungle Gear Chest x2
For your lost teammates Undead Wild Tiger KO 800 times. 500 5000 - -
Requiem for your teammates Miniboss Wild Tiger KO 8 times. 500 5000 Sharp Claw Legendary Chest

Hero Level Quests

Quest Objective Medal Prize
Lost within the Forest Wild Tiger Level 10 Baby in the Deep Jungle Trinket 10 Days (+5)
Back to the Human World Wild Tiger Level 20 - Helm 10 Days (+10)
Lonely Tiger Wild Tiger Level 30 Journey Back Home Armor 10 Days (+20)
Back to the Past… Wild Tiger Level 40 - Weapon 10 Days (+20)
The Forest Wild Tiger Level 50 Guardian of the Jungle Trinket 30 Days (+25)
To Protect the Forest Wild Tiger Level 60 - Helm 30 Days (+25)
Rolling Tiger Wild Tiger Level 70 Rolling Tiger Armor 30 Days (+25)
Sharp Nails Wild Tiger Level 80 - Weapon 30 Days (+25)
Guardian of the Forest Wild Tiger Level 90 Revenge of the Tiger Permanent Gear Chest
Wild Tiger Master Wild Tiger Level 100 King of the Jungle Permanent Legendary Chest


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