星聯第一艦隊 (Alliance First Fleet))

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基礎戰力: 90

當 Reapers 進攻太陽系時,第一艦隊正駐留在 Charon 中繼器附近。當 Admiral Hackett 上將下達撤退命令時,這個一度是全星聯最大的艦隊,隨即被一分為二。Commanding Admiral Ines Lindholm made the painful decision to use a tenth of the fleet's remaining vessels as cover so  the remainder could escape. Her gamble paid off, as the First Fleet limped out of the relay to rally with the rest of the Alliance forces on the run.

Requires: The scanning of the planet Juntauma, Farinata, Hades Gamma.
Military Strength: 15
The SSV Agincourt was one of many Alliance ships that saved the colony world Elysium from pirates and slavers during the Skyllian Blitz in 2167. In order to stay with his vessel and crew, its captain refused promotion after the Blitz.

Requires: The scanning of the planet Dobrovolski, Pamyat, Hades Nexus
Military Strength: 15

The SSV Leipzig was the first Alliance frigate to field-test the Thanix cannon, a compact version of a Reaper weapon developed after the Battle of the Citadel. The Leipzig's captain was so pleased with the results, she gave her unconditional recommendation that the Alliance begin mass-producing the cannon as soon as possible.

UPDATED (If used to save the Council)
Military Strength: -25

This fleet lost a third of its vessels protecting the Council during the Battle of the Citadel two years ago. Unfortunately, the Alliance did not have time to rebuild the fleet to its previous strength before the Reapers invaded.

UPDATED (If the Citadel: Chemical Treatment mission is completed)
Military Strength: 8

Improved treatments for chemical burns are being implemented by Alliance doctors and medics.
戰爭資源 (War Assets)
     星聯 (Alliance)
         星聯工兵團 (AEC)
         陸戰隊 103 師 (103rd Marine Division))
         星聯第一艦隊 (Alliance First Fleet))

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