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  1. 介紹
  2. 技能


With his mighty sword and strong armor, the Iron Knight is always on the frontlines. A Triple Slash to Headbutt combo is a good way to disorient the enemy. While the enemy is confused, the Iron Knight's team will rush to attack boosted by his Haste Aura. This makes the Iron Knight a steadfast and strong opponent.
騎士雅克  "在戰鬥中總是位居先鋒的鋼鐵戰士!"


Skill Picture Skill Type Keys Description
Weapon Skill -SD Triple Slash:
With speed and grace the Iron Knight slashes three times. His concentration is so strong nothing can stop him while he performs this move.
Armor Skill ASD Shield Sigil:(Passive)
With his strong armor protecting him, attacks to the Iron Knight slightly knock back any opponents that melee attacks him.
Helm Skill A-D Headbutt
Amidist the confusion of battle the Iron Knight will suddenly do a surprise headbutt that stuns his opponents.
Trinket Skill AS- Haste Aura
With his battle leadership and years of experience, the Iron Knight understands the importance of mobility. When the Iron Knight activates the Haste Aura those around him and himself will move much faster.

Skill Combos

Training Quests

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Basic Training Iron Knight Training Begins 10 100 - -
Combat Training Play Iron Knight for 5 minutes. 50 - - Weapon 3 Days (+1)
Combat Mastery Test Play Iron Knight for 20 minutes. 50 500 Apprentice’s Day -
Mission Number 1 Play FactionWar/Ladder Match as Iron Knight for 40 minutes. 100 1000 Scarecrow Fragment -
Prove your skills Undead Iron Knight KO 6 times. 250 2500 - -
Proof of Strength Miniboss Iron Knight KO 8 times. 250 2500 Using Your Brain Gear Chest x2
For your lost teammates Undead Iron Knight KO 800 times. 500 5000 - -
Requiem for your teammates Miniboss Iron Knight KO 8 times. 500 5000 Secret of Armor Legendary Chest


Quest Objective Medal Prize
成為騎士候選人 騎士雅克達10階級 <騎士候選人> 披風裝備 10日 (+5)
騎士候選人的一天 騎士雅克達20階級 - 頭盔裝備10天 (+10)
騎士候選人的一天 騎士雅克達30階級 <身體與劍合而為一!> 盔甲裝備10日 (+15)
壞掉的機器人 騎士雅克達40階級 - 武器裝備10日 (+20)
深深刺進胸甲的傷 騎士雅克達50階級 <盔甲的重要> 披風裝備 30日 (+25)
對騎士來說頭也是必要的武器 騎士雅克達60階級 - 道具裝備30日 (+25)
戰場中的呼喊 騎士雅克達70階級 <騎士衝天> 盔甲裝備30日 (+25)
使用已久的盔甲的秘密 騎士雅克達80階級 - 武器裝備30日 (+25)
無聊戰爭的結束 騎士雅克達90階級 <結束無聊的戰爭> 永久裝備寶箱
邁向騎士隊長 騎士雅克達100階級 <騎士隊長>


face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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